Russia-Ukraine Crisis 2.0: Hunter Biden Linked to Biolabs in Ukraine

C.Gee, I don’t think Biden is delivering little if you ignore the fact that he is spending money on weapons to go to Ukraine and not to mention these posts makes me doubt that Ukraine sovereignty even existed.


No. Obama and Hillary did not plot to plant nukes in Ukraine to threaten Russia. Obama and Hillary colluded with Putin.

Yes. Ukraine is almost certainly the most corrupt country in Europe - and that’s saying a lot. The information that Zelensky is a cocaine addict does not strain credulity. The Bidens certainly colluded with Ukrainian leaders and oligarchs.

However corrupt Ukraine is, however much of a drug addict its president is, Tsar Vladimir Putin needs to be stopped.

Biden keeps announcing that arms and money are going to Ukraine, but how much of it is getting there?

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Why does Zelensky “turn up” at the grammys? Zelensky is a performer. A clown. (Very suitable to be a leader of Ukraine!)

All wars are accompanied by propaganda.


I tend to think it’s true that the U.S. staged a coup in Ukraine in 2014, and that the present regime there, led by Zelensky, is also of their making.
Its what our CIA specializes in.
And I agree with Trumps remark, “It doesn’t make sense that Russia and Ukraine aren’t sitting down working out some kind of agreement.”
Thats the biggest telltale sign, to me, that this war is what the Biden regime (and by extention others - the WEF, etc) actually want. Because if they actually wanted it to stop, they could make it happen!
Zelensky is their puppet - the only reason he’s got star status as a hero on the world stage is because they are giving it to him, and for what purpose? - to push war propaganda, to justify Biden sending him more arms and money, to continue the war.


Independent journalist Gonzalo Lira Missing in Ukraine:

This is his last tweet before he went missing:


Sounds pretty sinister…


Here’s an interview with him with Zuby on April 8.


The videos about Ukraine you have linked to above are heavy RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA. That includes the one showing Zelensky drunk or drugged.

Zelensky may get drunk, may be a cocaine addict, but all that is irrelevant to the rights and wrongs of the Russian invasion and Ukraine’s defense.

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I don’t think that the videos above are Russian propaganda, the video was taken by an independent journalist and Zelensky posted that video of him either drunk or on cocaine on his own. No one is excusing Putins invasion of Ukraine and there were other ways the situation could have been handled in Ukraine but the reality is that there’s no good sides to this war.

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Yes, that’s the thing - criticizing Zelensky can appear as pro-Putin, but the truth is that no side - including the U.S. and Nato - is right.
The U.S., led by Biden, has corrupt motives, and is - at the very least - failing miserably at diplomacy, to bring about a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
They are all churning out propaganda, and Zelensky is participating in it.


Don’t believe anything you are told about the origins of such videos. We cannot know the truth.

We must not lose sight of what the war is all about. Russia invaded another country. Russia is at fault.

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Yes, Russia is at fault for invading - but isn’t the U.S. - being the “superpower” still carries alot of weight - also at fault for allowing the conflict to escalate, supplying Ukraine with arms and money to fight, but failing completely to enforce negotiations and a resolution to the conflict?


Yes, I agree with you, Liz.

Furthermore, it was the coming to power of the “Biden” administration that greenlighted Putin to invade Ukraine. He would not have done it - did not do it - with Trump in power.


Thats right. If Trump was still President this wouldn’t have happened in the first place.


There are many fake videos of Zelensky - real Russian fakes, as opposed to fake Russian fakes (Hunter Biden’s lap-top contents). There is one where Zelensky tells Ukrainians to lay down their arms. I am very, very suspicious of this cocaine video. Searching Google yesterday for fake videos I found a French site contesting the cocaine video’s authenticity. No doubt there will be more debunkings, and more fakery and more fake debunkings and more fake fakery. I will not link to any of these. They are easily found.
The propaganda war against Zelensky will not counter the weight of political and moral corruption on Putin’s side of the scale.


As for your link to “The Duran” - it should be binned. That the Maidan “coup” was engineered by the CIA as part of Obama’s policy to ally with Ukraine against Russia is preposterous. It is manifestly the case that Obama conceded regional hegemony to Russia (and set-up Russia as a power the Mediterranean and Middle East.) Obama and Clinton had no intention of putting missiles in Ukraine. Obama canceled the promised defense missile systems bordering Russia. He refused to send weapons to Ukraine as part of the “military” aid package. The entire thesis of the Duran post is based on nonsense. And it is quite unreadable, anyway.


“Independent journalist.” On whose say-so? How does one become credentialed as “independent” and what does it mean, anyway? “Independent” does not mean unbiased or objective. Reporting on or videotaping what he directly and personally observes from the war arena does not free him from affiliation, either.


Yes, the idea that Obama wanted to attack Russia seems really absurd to me, too.
Use Ukraine to launder money? Yes.
Put missiles in Ukraine to attack Russia? I doubt it.

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According to this:

He’s been reporting about Ukraine since 2019. Here’s a playlist of videos.

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