The FBI and its Crooks

A must-read:


Secret agent of the FBI?

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A new report on the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump indicates the Secret Service did not participate in a security briefing before the July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

The 13-page report from Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin on preliminary findings about the incident said his requests for information from the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security and the FBI have been ignored, as was his request to preserve records related to the assassination attempt.

The report said information obtained by Johnson’s office “appears to confirm” that a countersniper had identified [the killer] Crooks as suspicious but raises further questions about what the Secret Service did with this information, why Secret Service did not immediately send agents to the [American Glass Research] building, and, perhaps most importantly, why former President Trump was allowed to go on stage.

“During a subsequent search of [the dead body of] Crooks, local law enforcement discovered a suspected remote triggering device,” it said. “At 6:32 p.m., 7:45 p.m., and 7:46 p.m., the Beaver County law enforcement agents took pictures of Crooks, a cellphone and the remote control device near the suspected shooter’s body.”

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They’ve got to find out, and disclose, who’s phone it was that connected the shooter with that FBI office.
But of course that’s the last thing the FBI will tell us.
At least Cheatle resigned. But she’ll be replaced with someone else just as bad, unless Trump returns to the White House and does the replacing.

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These bastards will stop at nothing to stop Trump. They have tried taking his wealth, imprisonment, and now attempted murder - an ineradicable stain on America. I believe, as I have for months, that the election will be rigged again. Mr Trump will not be the next President. I will joyfully eat my words, if wrong.


What do you visualize happening if Trump is defeated/assassinated/disabled?

What might his tens of millions of enthusiastic supporters do?

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And yet, FBI Director Wray can’t figure out why Crooks shot at President Trump.

No ‘clear picture’ of motive for would-be Trump assassin, FBI director says at congressional hearing -


I initially thought that a civil war would be inevitable if Trump were to be denied the Presidency through either assassination, imprisonment, or electoral fraud.
After witnessing the COVID response, I am not so sure. During those calamitous years, we witnessed the devastation of the economy, the sabotaging of our children’s education, and the government riding roughshod over the Constitution. All done with impunity. No one took up arms to oppose this. No one pledged their lives, fortune, or sacred honour to do so. No, the Americans shockingly did as they were told. They masked, social distanced, vaccinated, and were utterly complicit in trampling on the Bill of Rights.


Yes, that was the most disturbing and frightening thing about the Covid “psyop” - not just that the government became so authoritarian, but that there were so many people who complied with it.
And the people who did not comply were censored, jailed, debanked, and demonized.
And it’s been ongoing ever since, with those who have refused to comply with the stealing of the election or any other government atrocity.
We’ve become so accustomed to it that I’m not sure the reaction to another one will be any different.

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You’ve put your finger on it, Liz. I see no evidence for optimism here. It’s platitudinous but true, that we should hope for the best but expect the worst.


The response to an unwarranted attack on liberty will depend on whether the victims believe they can fight back effectively using peaceful means. Such as the courts, disobedience, or electoral politics. The Covidiocy was a new tactic to most people and they did not know what to expect. Once folks started realizing what was happening, resistance grew and the Left had to back off. It was not complacency but uncertainty that caused the initial compliance.

For better or worse, that uncertainty is fading fast.

Given the violent rhetoric recently and the recent memory of the Covidiocy, the belief in “not now, not here,” is less likely to restrain normal citizens any more. The attempts to silence Trump through lawfare did not serve to reinforce belief in peaceful means. Quite the opposite in fact. It is too soon to be sure, but the assassination attempt may have driven a stake through it for a generation.

Remember, the left sees violence as a tool they can dial up or down according to the needs of the Party. I don’t think they can can even understand that normal people do not see it that way. When the Right did not start shooting over the blatant fraud in the 2020 election, that narrow view encouraged the Left to see the Right as ineffectual. They were energized and encouraged.

The Right, I think, sees violence more like a switch that, once thrown, will be difficult to turn off and will have unintended consequences. So we avoid throwing it if possible. I don’t think Cackles is bright enough to grok that. If she gets the power, will push hard and normal people will start fighting back. The endgame is anyone’s guess at this time but I suspect she will not like the outcome. There may yet be a Romanian Christmas in our future.

I really hope it doesn’t happen that way. I was looking forward to a few years of retirement doing the things and seeing the places I deferred in the interest of making a living. It seems fortune is not smiling on that desire.


“…the left sees violence as a tool…”
Yes, it makes me wonder if they were hoping to use the assassination of Trump (if it had been successful) to provoke the Right to a violent uprising, which would have given them an excuse to declare Martial Law and suspend elections.

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