The National Academies have abandoned the sciences. By adopting critical race theory, they have invited censorship which will slow, and even stall, scientific progress and debate. They have made a hubristic assumption that all disparate outcomes are attributable to racism, stopping scientific inquiry before it can start. They have chosen to deny evidence if it does not conform to their ideological pieties. And, through the imposition of this divisive ideology, they foster racial division rather than alleviate it, which mars the scientific community’s collegiality. History and science will not look fondly upon this erroneous epoch.
Real scientific enquiry will continue. Invention will continue. The STEM subjects will be studied. Real Medicine and Engineering will be practiced. Technological innovation will not be stopped. Generations of mathematics will yet be born.
The National Academies will die of CRT poisoning. Irrelevant and useless, they will not be missed.
Assuming a small monthly downtime for maintenance and reliable fast charging, a $2000/month fee comes out to about $4.00 per hour to replace three shift-persons. That will only come down as the technology improves and the competition ramps up.
The resistance by the unions to this change may be about as futile as the horse and buggy industry resisting the automobile.
And if robots are replacing humans because of a labor shortage, then where are all these illegals that were supposed to provide cheap labor?
When the Left tells us to “trust the science”, what they really mean is “trust the scientists”. Unfortunately, scientists are human, and are subject to all of the typical human foibles of greed, ego, prejudice, and ideological bias.