Muslim Britain - Rivers of Blood

From the linked article:

Barely a month after the elections, and the new Labour Party government is dragging Britain into serious civil conflict, while destroying the preciously little that remains of British freedoms, especially freedom of speech.

The teenage son of a Rwandan migrant family stabbed three little girls to death at a Taylor Swift-themed dance workshop in Southport, a city near Liverpool, on July 29. The murders triggered protests and riots by Britons who have apparently had enough.

Within a day of the first protests, Prime Minister Keir Starmer gave a speech in which he barely mentioned the murdered little girls, yet painted those who protested as “far right thugs” who had come from outside Southport to stir up trouble. He thus dismissed all the concerns of the majority of the British and their worries about the mass migration that is affecting the safety of their children, families and communities. Incredibly, Starmer’s first act after the murders was not, as one might expect, to deal with concerns over the safety of British citizens, but to dedicate funds to new emergency security for mosques.

Starmer could have stopped the demonstrators in their tracks by listening to – and addressing – the concerns of “ordinary” people in the wake of the murders. Instead, he chose to brand them as “far right thugs”, thereby inflaming an entire country, with protests and rioting spreading from Southport to other cities. Police further inflamed matters by setting their dogs on harmless protesters, arresting many, and handcuffing a 73-year-old lady with a pacemaker who had never been arrested before, and was guilty of just peacefully protesting the murders of young girls.

"I’m 73 years old and I’ve here because of them babies that has died and I’m being arrested," said the woman, who was surrounded by riot police.

In Plymouth, while leftist radicals were destroying a church, taking stones from its wall to throw at the protesters, police were not stopping the radicals, but instead beating the protesters.

Immediately clamping down on the sad remains of British free speech, the director of public prosecutions of England and Wales, Stephen Parkinson, chillingly warned that sharing and retweeting online material of the riots was a serious offense that would lead to arrest. “We do have dedicated police officers who are scouring social media to look for this material, and then follow up with arrests,” he said.

Around the same time, Northampton police posted on X that they had “received reports of a hate crime regarding a post published on social media” and in response had arrested a 41-year-old woman “on suspicion of inciting racial hatred”.

So, retweeting posts on X now gets you sent to the pokey. A Muslim brandishing an AK-47 assault rifle on social media, however, while threatening to blow people’s heads off, is apparently acceptable.

Equally acceptable, evidently, are Muslim radicals vowing on social media that any members of the “English Defense League” (an anti-Islam group that was disbanded around a decade ago) who show up to Walthamstow in northeast London will be murdered, and their bodies “disappeared” in the woods. In fact, Muslims and radical leftists did mobilize in Walthamstow over rumors of an anti-mass migration protest – which did not take place – brandishing Palestinian flags. The crowd cheered, as local Labour councilor Ricky Jones gave a speech in which he called for the murder of Britons who protest against mass immigration.

Peter Kyle, Secretary of State for Science, Innovation and Technology, summoned representatives from social media giants and told them to clamp down on users deviating from the government narrative.“I expect platforms to ensure that those seeking to spread hate online are not being facilitated and have nowhere to hide,” Kyle said.

Elon Musk, the owner of X (formerly Twitter), was condemned by the British government for stating that the UK was heading towards civil war.

Police launched “dawn raids” on protesters after having “scoured thousands of hours of footage to identify people who engaged in violent behavior”.

What the police did not do was arrest the gangs of armed Muslim men who took to the streets across British cities.

In Birmingham, Bolton, and Middlesbrough, “Muslim patrol” members beat white people, whom they accused of being part of the anti-mass migration protests. In Sheffield, machete-wielding Muslims roamed the streets in search of white “far right” people to attack.

In Birmingham, the UK’s second-largest city, Muslim gangs armed with swords went looking for white protesters – with not a policeman in sight.

They also shut down roads and attacked cars, after checking them to see that there were whites inside. No police officers were to be seen.

Why were no police officers present? When West Midlands police were asked why they did nothing about “an awful lot of people armed with various weapons” (Muslim gangs) in Birmingham, the answer was that the Muslim communities had been allowed to “do their own policing”. [!!!]

Huge parts of the UK are no-go zones where the police no longer hold authority.

In Croydon, London, Muslim gangs went on a rampage apparently in search of white people to attack, but finding none, they instead proceeded to smash up whatever they could find. The police posted a deceiving message on X in which they claimed that the Muslim riot in Croydon had nothing to do with the protests but was a separate issue.

The list goes on. The legacy media barely reported the Muslim violence. The BBC claimed – as most of the media did in the US during the fiery summer of rioting in 2020 – that although a Birmingham pub had been attacked, the Muslim protests had been “largely peaceful”.

Using the ongoing protests across Britain to crack down – one-sidedly – on basic rights, Starmer has successfully exacerbated racial conflict, inflamed tensions, created division, penalized free speech and sneezed at legitimate concerns.

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Protection of illegal immigrants at the cost of citizens’ lives is happening in America too, where “Democratic” woke Leftists govern.

“This two-tiered justice in ‘sanctuary’ jurisdictions places the ideology of open borders ahead of both local and national interest. It places the shielding of illegal aliens from lawful arrest and due process over the security of the community.”

Infuriating examples given:

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It’s all going according to plan. The sociopaths in power set it all up with the mass migration and are now staging “Color Revolutions” on their own people to cause civil war and collapse.
All the chaos calls for a Police State, authoritarian crackdowns, and loss freedoms and rights for the natives, but special privileges for the criminals.
We’re all pawns on their global chessboard.

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Can there be any doubt whatsoever that the West is finished?


And nobody has been able to explain plausibly why the West is committing suicide.

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At the risk of being accused of making bad puns, I suggest we henceforth refer to the British police as Starmtroopers.


Exactly right! Perfect description.

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Perhaps, a thousand years from now, another Gibbon, while contemplating Moslems going to prayer amongst the ruins of Manhattan skyscrapers, will write an essay on the rise and fall of the West.