China is Preparing for War

“Xi and senior leaders are getting China’s citizens ready for war.”


It wouldn’t be a surprise if they are. Considering how much control they have over us - they produce most of our manufactured goods, medicine, etc.
All they have to do is cut us off from all that if we attempt to defend Taiwan, or ourselves.


At the BRICS summit in Brazil, Xi gave a warning to all the nations of the West, that they had best realize what they (the BRICS) are doing. That was this past week, and one of the big things they are doing is creating their own trade guild, which would use their own currency and not the dollar.

With each of these countries comes their trade associations with other nations…so it isn’t just the five, although they alone form a tremendous global power that has long been upset/angry by the West. Putin once said that the next world war will be fought with ones and zeroes. China fights with bribery and buying added to the digital tactics.

They have been preparing for war for global leadership for a long time…and the damned Leftists in America have gladly helped them prepare.

My hope drains at times like these when reality takes over, but I still breathe, so it never actually dies. :upside_down_face:


I listened to an interesting interview with Peter Zeihan yesterday, he describes himself as an American geopolitical analyst and he is an author. His Wikipedia page has a warning that it is “written like an advertisement” so it may be more accurate than many other pages there:

His assessment of China is that it is neither militarily nor economically strong enough to take on the rest of the world, as no doubt it would do if it invaded Taiwan. He says the Chinese navy is weak and that China is dependent in particular on agricultural imports of fertilizer because he says the country has poor soil - therefore it could be hit very hard by international sanctions. He says that Japan could go nuclear virtually at the drop of a hat. The Chinese economy would also be generally devastated by international sanctions as their economy is also dependent on exports as well. He says that China is facing a baby bust worse even than is happening in the West (I’ve heard the same from other sources) and that China’s meteoric rise will be followed very swiftly by a fall. He says that power has become very concentrated in the person of Xi Jinping, that people are afraid to question his decisions, and that this has led to some insane policies being enacted. This does seem to possibly explain the insane zero-COVID policies that we’ve been sharing info on here.

(I’m writing all this from memory of the podcast so I may need to double check some details but I think I’ve got the gist about right).

If his assessment is correct then I think the only way that an invasion of Taiwan makes any sense right now is if there has been some sort of international pre-agreement to this (as outlined in my crazy conspiracy theory the other day here). Also the assassination of Shinzo Abe might have been intended to pave the way for an unopposed takeover of the island, that conspiracy theory also fits in with the bigger theory. I must stress that this conspiracy theory is mine, not Zeihan’s theory, I don’t yet know what he thinks about the WEF etc…

Here’s the interview on Youtube if you’re interested:

Also available as a podcast if you don’t want to use Youtube:


The crux of what he’s saying is that China’s rise has really been enabled by globalization, which has in turn been enabled by the US role as the world’s policeman, without that globalization falls apart. He says that the US navy has been repurposed to be more carrier focused and have fewer destroyers, which means it will be less able to patrol the seas. Obviously the Ukraine conflict has put the spanner in the works of globalization already, and a war involving China would do that to a far greater extent.

My theory that these conflicts are being engineered to pave the way for a far more integrated world may therefore seem counter-intuitive on the face of it, but the point is that the powers that be don’t want to bother with trying to get the approval of the people, and they have become convinced that democracy is not working in any case, so they need a distraction, a BIG distraction.


He also makes a very interesting claim about a raft of tankers off the coast of Portugal. He seems to think all the West has to do to bring Russia into line is move against this, this seems to be yet more evidence of Western collusion with the whole conflict if he’s right (edit: not that he is making this latter point, I am).

A major gap in his thinking though seems to me that he underestimates the division that multi-culturalism is bringing to Europe, and that could also explain why he doesn’t seem to totally get the Trump phenomenon. He doesn’t mention the fact that our total fertility rate is largely being propped up by migrants.


Interesting. Yes, China really hurt itself with that “one child policy” they had. You’d think the rest of the world would have learned from that, but the globalists are still trying to depopulate the world, whether we like it or not.
His opinion that China is too weak to win a war is encouraging, but they could still do alot of damage to the U.S. and the West in the process, by cutting off supplies we’ve become completely dependent on them for.
Still not sure how it will play out, but if we in the U.S. can get Trump back in office, we have a chance to arrest the progress of both China and the globalists.


They could win a war though if the West decided to let them, that was really my point and that is what I suspect is going to happen - so we shall see, but if the war kicks off and China wins the war, and Zeihan is otherwise right, then that will make my crazy conspiracy theory look much more like a plausible possibility.


Sure would, Chauncey. Call me a crazy conspiracy believer. I think things are that bad and getting worse.

I don’t know who wrote the above paragraph…couldn’t have been me, I still have hope.

Yes, I am a complicated soul… :upside_down_face:


The state of the world at present - you’re either being made crazy thru brainwashing, or the insanity of the brainwashed is driving you crazy!


It is always better if I stay offline…well, and avoid the news…and Beck. Heavy sigh…