And more…
Well, I found it thoughtful and interesting. I don’t know who these people are, but I think they are brave to bring this discussion online.
And more…
Well, I found it thoughtful and interesting. I don’t know who these people are, but I think they are brave to bring this discussion online.
And here is the proof of what concerns the trio about the complicated topic they discuss:
Glenn Loury and John MacWhorter are brilliant thinkers. I very much enjoy reading and hearing them - usually.
But “transgendering” is an absurd pretense for adults, and when practiced on children it is a form of child sacrifice - as Tucker Carlson also says. It is not a subject on which I would seek Loury’s and MacWhorter’s opinions.
The article comes to the right conclusion.
But where’s the expression of public disgust with “transgendering” children? The only voice listened to by millions that I have heard declaring the practice to be evil is Tucker’s. And for the present his voice has been … muted. I hope not silenced.
Well of course the “woke” are not going to extend tolerance to people who are skeptical of woke positions - that’s the whole point of being “woke”!
To use the lie that they are victims of society’s intolerant, hateful bigotry as a cudgel to silence and intimidate all who disagree with them, while they destroy our culture for the sake of the “revolution”.
And he thinks the rise of transgenders, rather than being a social contagion caused by brainwashing from the left, is actually just what kids who are really gay are turning to as an alternative.
Since when were there so many gay kids? That’s normal? Oh yes, they agree, being gay is totally normal.
The whole gay pride thing was as bogus as the transgender thing - a front used by the left to destroy the norms of our culture.
Yes, but half the voters wanted Trump to be president. That’s the “public” I meant. They are the people who are most likely to think that the sexual mutilation of children is evil. And they need someone to speak to them and for them who has the platform to do it.
I’m not sure what part of my comment(?) you were referring to. I was talking about what the guys in the video said, not anything you said about Tucker.
I agree with what Tucker said.
I’ve lost my own train of thought now.
And I agree with what you are saying, Liz,
Talk radio and its online programs and podcasts is where the expression is, and these places are where the voices are that are heard by tens of millions of Conservatives.
Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly are expressing loud and clear all the time about Woke Culture, the economy, Biden’s WH, etc. And…Beck’s voice carries over to his TV network, BlazeTV, where many freedom loving, American conservatives report, opine and research.
I get that this may not be the conversation that we would have, but it is a conversation that is being had about a very taboo subject. Kudos to them for airing it online.
We need more such conversations and a lot from the Conservative, including religious, viewpoint.
Sure. How could we possibly do it without Jesus?
Yes, it’s good that they’re at least having a conversation about it, even if it doesn’t push back as hard as it should. Kind of like the conversations about wokeness that Bill Mahr is having lately.
It isn’t Jesus or God, but those religious people, who are also staunchly conservative and hold to the values that conservatives do…that we do.
I know you do understand that, so was your comment a joke?
I am inclined to be ironic.
I know that irony does not go down well in America, generally speaking.
Irony is great, but the written word lacks the tone of the spoken word. I can assume that you are being ironic, but not always so sure of that.
That is one reason forums and text messages are tricky. I make use of emojis and obvious implications that my text is better understood and not to be taken literally. Sometimes I fail at that.
If a known atheist, on a site called The Atheist Conservative, states that we cannot possibly do without Jesus, the irony is so hugely obvious it should need no nudges and winks to emphasize it.
Most politicians - on the Right anyway - are (at least publicly) Believers. They need to appeal to the majority, and atheism is not yet all that popular in America. We TAC types have no choice but to accept that fact and overlook it. Overlook Trump’s “God” statements. Overlook Tucker’s ditto. Same with all the other Believers who support the conservative cause. But when someone reminds us seriously that we need the alliance of (eg.) Evangelicals, the temptation to make an ironic comment is strong.
Yes, it is a joke.
Suit yourself, but in the past I have not been really sure about your ironic replies to some of my posts.
My fault or yours, Jeanne?
It is also a sigh.
The sigh accepts reluctantly that American conservatism is tainted - I say it bluntly - TAINTED with those old time religions.