We know this. But it needs constant repeating.
“From Russiagate to protecting Joe Biden, Democrat political allies within the DOJ colluded to cover up for Hillary and now for Biden.”
… and within the FBI.
We know this. But it needs constant repeating.
“From Russiagate to protecting Joe Biden, Democrat political allies within the DOJ colluded to cover up for Hillary and now for Biden.”
… and within the FBI.
Yes, they are completely corrupt now, and have become participants in outright treason.
From the patriot point of view, these institutions need a thorough housecleaning. I cannot believe the corruption runs all the way down.
In the meantime, it’s very important for patriots to be alert for provocateurs, who will try to goad them into saying or doing something stupid. Jan 6th was an enormous victory for the Left, and they will try to repeat it on a smaller scale wherever they can.
‘Something stupid’ includes making threats of violence. We need to organize, and those organizations need to learn how to make effective use of their 2A rights. (This means more than just going to the shooting range and learning how to get your rounds roughly downrange.) But … anyone in such an organization who begins to suggest that we need to replace the existing government by otherwise than peaceful, legal, democratic means … is a cop, or is doing their work for free. So is anyone who hints that we can get our hands on weapons or ordinance that are illegal.
The government has had a century and more of experience at infiltrating groups it doesn’t like. The only defense is not to do or say anything that they can use against us.
What happens to the “fight” - your “war to save America” - if we can’t “say or do anything they can use against us” ? Peaceful protest is out; passive civil disobedience is out; dissenting speech is out, social media communication is out. It’s not even clear that the ballot box isn’t out. Nationalism is out. I’d say They have beaten Us - without a fight.
No. None of these things are ‘out’.
We can peacefully protest, although the enemy will try to provoke another 6 January. I don’t think passive civil disobedience is terribly useful, without massive national support, even if passive, but it’s not ‘out’.
We can speak dissentingly … as we are doing here. Granted, it’s harder and harder to do in many contexts … as an employee of a woke corporation, or on a typical campus.
I’m active on Twitter [ @Doug1943] and we have our own Social Media platforms – too many of them!
The ballot box is IN. Our enemies are panicking because of this. Of course they’ll try to cheat … but we’re not Russia yet. We’ve got to be at those polling stations as poll watchers. Anyone who posts here who has not been in touch with their local GOP … do it now! Volunteer!
I wouldn’t use the word ‘nationalism’, but rather ‘patriotism’. And it’s definitely not out, which is why our enemies are trying to purloin it … at the same time that they do things like the New York City council did, honoring Soviet spy Ethyl Rosenberg. [ https://www.newsmax.com/US/new-york-city-council-honors-ethel-rosenberg/2015/09/30/id/694108/ ]
So … I’d say we were in a pretty good position at the moment. But only in the short term. In the long term, we’re going to be swamped, because the Enemy control the eductional system.
So we have to plan for somethng else besides elections as usual.
But even if I did think that the enemy controls everything, I would still strongly urge everyone to avoid falling into the traps our enemies will lay for us.
Here’s the analogy. Think of us as in the same position as Russian democrats in 1900. The Czarists controlled everything. But … that did not justify, tactically, what the Socialist Revolutionary Party (the heirs of Narodnaya Volya, the People’s Will, who assassinated Czars and Crarist officials) did. Morally, of course they should not have been condemned. But tactically, they actually held back the development of the struggle against Czarism.
We cannot really do much until we have a strong solid united group of patriots, who know what they want … and who number at least 20%, ideally 30%, of the population. Then we need the passive support, or the neutrality, or at most the passive hostility, of another 30%. And there are other conditions which must be fulfilled.
Things change. We’re heading for a crisis. No one knows the future, so we can’t say exactly how things will play out. What we can say is that we must have a national organization, built out of literally thousands of local groups, organized, prepared, rehearsed.
A serious local group of a few dozen, a hundred, will be able to encompass a wide range of specialisms. (The division of labor, the secret to the advance of humanity from the Stone Age.)
We need local groups which are prepared to intervene in a crisis – whether that be from natural causes, enemy action, or the breakdown of the social/legal/economic order.
They need to be divided into subgroups: intel, comms, logistics, transport, medical, engineering. It’s not rocket science… this is all ABC.
But on the way there, we have to avoid being suckered into acts of violence or being set up so that we can be charged with seditious conspiracy. So we need good legal nous as well as knowing how to treat a sucking chest wound, or how to walk your rounds into the target.
And above all, we need to remember that there are things that are believed, and not said. There are things that are done, and not said. And there are things that are said, and not done.
Anyone with a taste for historical research should look up ‘Aesopian language’. We can learn a lot from the past.
Sorry, one more point before I turn in.
There are two ways to render the awakening patriot movement ineffective:
(1) Sucker them – in small groups or in large groups – into doing stupid things that repel the broad middle of America, and which allows the government to bring the legal system to bear against them. Hundreds of patriots, and millions of patriot dollars, are now being eaten up, because of the insanity of the 6 January fiasco. And every few months we read of some ‘militia’ group falling for an FBI sting. One more group of patriots out of the picture.
(2) The other way is to convince patriots that all their efforts of any sort are useless. We can’t win. Might as well watch TV, or start on that Russian novel you should have read as a teenager. Don’t bother to vote, it’s all rigged. Don’t bother to go to a protest meeting … it won’t be reported by the media. Stay home.
So: they’ll try to attack us by provoking us into the wrong sort of action, or demoralize us into taking no action at all.
Yes, they are doing both of those things, plus a third one - rigging elections.
We need a new word, other than ‘rig’ or ‘steal’, to describe what they do now. I’m not deeply informed on this subject, but it seems to me that outright cheating is not the main way that they work, although that is no doubt also present. (As it was, for example, in Philadelphia in 2012 when there were whole precincts where there was not even one single vote for Romney. That was stupid cheating, because it gave the game away. )
What they’re doing now is ballot-harvesting, and swelling their ranks with people who have no deep loyalty to the country.
Plus, of course, spending billions of dollars to support their own side, but we can’t complain about that, since it’s what we used to do. (In fact, didn’t we celebrate the Supreme Court decision about ten years ago which legitimized big money in politics?)
What’s important is not to despair and give up and then not vote.
Everyone should get in touch with their local GOP organization and volunteer to be a ballot-box watcher, or whatever it’s called.
Speaking about how we need to be organized, there are many groups interviewed by Steve Bannon on the Warroom that are organizing. One is “Precinct Strategy” led by Dan Schultz (I think he’s in Arizona).
Also recently learned about a Steve Maxwell in Florida of CCDF USA, who’s started an organization to stop the Soros groups there.
There are alot of groups organizing all over the country, which is a really positive development.
This is extremely heartening news … occasionally, in my drunkard’s random walk around the web, I come across such people, but I have not made a comprehensive list of them.
Perhaps this site should have a thread for that?
It’s very frustrating to me to survey the conservative/patriot/anti-Left movement and to see so many high-quality thinkers writing penetrating analyses of what’s happening. Our stable of heavy hitters can easily match the enemy’s. But … I come across very few indications that some of this intellectual firepower is being turned on the question of what to do, now.
There are probably 80 million people we could reach, and maybe 80 000 who are subscribers to one or more conservative journals – one out of a thousand. Or, being optimistic, one out of five hundred. We have to reach the other 499.
It’s my intuition that the radical Left have overstepped themselves recently, for various reasons, and are doing things that will repel a significant section of the broad middle.
So we’re recalling school board members and DA’s in San Fransicko, of all places. And I won’t mention the upcoming November election prospects, for fear of alerting the Evil Eye, but everyone here probably has the same hopes I do.
But … we need to consolidate this not-yet-organized mass. I think we’re like the American colonies, after the Stamp Act was passed [ Stamp Act 1765 - Wikipedia ]
We need to start organizing our Committees of Correspondence.
Our liberal democracy has been so successful, that we have ingrained in our bones the reflex, ‘leave it to the next election’. But we have entered a historic period where that is no longer adequate … even if the Republican Party really no longer were just the Chamber of Commerce party, even if all Trumpized Republican candidates were sincere … we need a mass, well-organized, serious on-the-ground organization.
Just to do the job of defending the homes of our own people when the PC-ize police won’t do it. Check out what just happened to the head of the Thomas Moore Foundation: (next post)
"…My name is Tom Brejcha and I’m the president and founder of the Thomas More Society, a non-profit law firm dedicated to defending life, family, religious liberty, and election integrity. Perhaps you recognize my name from our work representing David Daleiden in his high-profile court battles with Planned Parenthood, the National Abortion Federation, and the state of California.
In the days following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, “Reproductive Justice Union” made credible threats against me on Twitter.
They “doxed” me, distributing flyers revealing my home address with my face front and center, highlighting all the things I’ve done to defend the right to life for preborn babies and our other shared values throughout my career.
And finally, on July 1st, they attacked our home.
As police looked on, 40-50 thugs from “Reproductive Justice Union” gathered in front of my home screaming obscenities about me, the pro-life movement, and the Supreme Court.
They tore up an American flag, shouting “Death to America,” and uprooted my wife’s beloved rose bush.
Then suddenly they launched loud smoke bombs, surged onto the lawn, and hurled paint bombs at our home.
Fortunately, my wife and I were not home. We are safe and sound.
But our property is not.
The beautiful brick house - the home where my wife Debbie and I raised our two sons - is stained with indelible green paint.
Worse, the “F” word, anarchist symbols (circled capital “A”), and ugly slogans like “No God, No Rulers” and “Abort the Supreme Court” cover our driveway and sidewalk.
We’ve hired a series of experts to remove and/or paint over this graffiti, but some of it still won’t come off…"
One dark thought: we believe in the rule of law, which means incidents like this shouldn’t happen, either to right-wingers, or to left-wingers. If some misguided patriots had done something like this to a prominent liberal, I would hope all patriots would condemn the police for standing by, and support the vigorous prosecution of the criminals.
But … we’re not shmoos. [ Shmoo - Wikipedia ] There has to be reciprocity. And if there begins NOT to be reciprocity … if the state, which should be neutral in political conflicts, at least so far as breaking the law is concerned, begins to be perceived by us as no longer acting that way …
… then we will be tempted – and perhaps we SHOULD be tempted … to return the compliment, in those places where we control, or influence, the state apparatus.
If our Leftist friends insist on heating up the Cold Civil War we are now in, then they should remember that, as Cicero wrote about a similar situation, Inter arma enim silent lēgēs.
And I suspect our side will be better at this sort of thing than theirs. In fact, a lot better.
Hmmm. Thomas More. Sir Thomas More. SAINT Thomas More. The man who had William Tyndale killed - strangled and burned at the stake in Holland - for translating the “Old Testament” from its Hebrew, and the “New Testament” from its demotic Greek, into English. So the Thomas More Society is a Catholic organization. I think we should be a little chary of giving it our support. Yes, we can have our political alliances among the religious, but we do not want to promote religion.
I don’t disagree.
Or I don’t think I disagree. I thought Hilary Mantel’s portrayal of him in her novel about Thomas Cromwell probably caught the essence of the man. (I had lazily just filed away my attitude to him from A Man for All Seasons, until I read her.) [Hilary Mantel on Thomas More | History Today]
But, comrade, you must understand the tactic of the United Front! [Leon Trotsky: For a Workers' United Front Against Fascism (1931)] [https://web.archive.org/web/20170123040110/https://www.cia.gov/library/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP78-00915R000600210003-9.pdf]
In the current situation, these are our people. Or, rather, they’re on our side. (And I doubt if they want to execute you and me now, although the fact that they can’t might have something to do with their not wanting to. But I think the mask has now grown in to the face.}
I mean, if we could ally with Stalin to beat Hitler – as we did and should have done – we can ally with Christians. Yikes, we’d better, since Christian conservatives outnumber us about 20 to 1.
Anyway, let us not adopt the method of the Left in judging people who lived long ago by today’s standards. All those Christians were pretty nasty to each other, and to us.
Hey … Amazon just delivered Hitler’s Children! There are no coincidences!
Actually, this brings up an important tactic re co operating with, working with, religious conservatives, which deserves its own discussion.
I agree that we can’t be choosy about the religious affiliations of our allies at this point. “The enemy of our enemy is our friend”.
If the only way we differ is on religion, that’s really quite insignificant, especially considering the enemy we are up against.
When the government and police are on the same side as these assh*les, they know they can get away with murder. It’s no time to be quibbling over religion.
Amen to that!
There is another consideration as well. Presumably everyone here is an outright upfront atheist. (I am, although in political conversations with non-atheists, I just say that I am ‘not religious’, because, for some reason, the word ‘atheist’ seems to provoke a strong negative reaction in some people. I learned this lesson nearly sixty years ago, in a very different context.)
But I think there are many people, including many conservatives, who, while not calling themselves by that scary word ‘atheist’, who have the same practical, effective attitude to organized religion that we do. It’s just not relevant to their lives. Nor has it been replaced with any systematic ‘Deism’ or modern New Age equivalent.
So I have to be careful when conversing with someone for whom Jesus and what he presumably has told them to do, plays a big role in their lives. But with many fellow consevatives, this is just not a problem.
As for the police/FBI/etc. I believe that the Left hollowing-out of these institutions is far from complete. I would like to have some inside lines to them, people who could frankly tell me what, say, the average FBI agent really believes when Big Brother is not listening. But I don’t, so it’s just my intuition. There is much more information about the police, though, and it’s clear that the real Hard Left has very little sympathy there.
The key is not to unnecessarily get crosswise with either the FBI or the police. I don’t know how many people here have had any experience with the ‘miliitia’ movement, but in my contact with some of them – purely via the web – I always have argued that if one of your people starts talking about doing something stupid – ie committing a felony – you should, depending on how specific they’re being, either show them the door, or turn them in. And you’ll probably find – like when you contact the police in Mexico about a kidnapping – they already know about the individual concerned, who is on their payroll.
While we’re on the subject, may I urge everyone to sign up to the FBI’s mailing list. It’s free, and you’ll learn a lot about what is legal and not, and what is going on in this country: https://www.fbi.gov/email-updates
We’ve actually already had at least one person who posted on here for awhile who had to be kicked off because of that very thing - making suggestions to commit violent action against the government.
We all pretty much suspected he was a “fed” of some sort…
I’m sure there are still some good guys in the FBI, but I don’t think I want to be on their radar - or their mailing list!
I think we’re all on the radar of something … an algorithm which is programmed to alert its masters upon the appearance of certain keywords.
I’ve just been having a debate with a fellow – a very smart guy who appeared to have such promise! – who turned out to be one of those people who – no doubt sincerely, in his case – want us all to put our necks in a noose. These people think they’re still living in 1970.
What reason did the mass-suicide advocate give you?
No reason. Here is our dispute, which took place just few hours ago on another website (‘Political Bullpen’.) You can view the whole, long thread here if you have the patience: The End Game is Here 🎯 🎱 - #121 by Doug1943 - US News & Politics - Political Bullpen … but here is the edited essence of the argument:
It’s with “Dr_Manhattan”, a Native American (Lakota) lawyer, who is a pretty well-informed fellow. Unfortunately, his ideas – or so I think – don’t contribute to the strength of our side. Just the opposite, in fact.
There are a group of people who are intent on depopulating the Earth and that starts with humans. I would say we don’t start with wearing gear but getting rid of the humans who are causing this. There is a list that is well known.
Me: Okay, I know that when you say ‘getting rid of’, you mean ‘nullifying the influence of’, not ‘killing’.
Dr Manhattan: Some of us who know this will play for keeps and the FBI can go fk themselves! They have no power on Indian land!
Me:Well … I am not sure what you mean about ‘no power on Indian land’. Perhaps you are expressing an aspiration, rather than a reality. Right now, they have plenty of power on Indian land.
I am on the mailing list for the FBI’s press releases (which every patriot should be – go here: https://www.fbi.gov/email-updates … it’s free, and you’ll learn a lot. )
Almost every batch of them includes someone being arrested, or tried and sentenced, for crimes committed on Indian land. Don’t kid yourself.
Here are examples just for the month of July. [ What followed were about ten July press releases about FBI actions – mainly arresting ordinary criminals – on Indian land.
Then Dr_Manhattan posted an image – the Tree of Liberty with the well-known quote from Thomas Jefferson aboiut it needing to be “watered from time to time with the blood of tyrants and of patriots.”
Me: As for that wonderful Thomas Jefferson quote (ending in “it is its natural manure.”)… which I first heard over sixty years ago, as part of an anti-McCarthy record … it can be used in one of three ways:
(1) As a general observation about the world, a more eloquent expression of the “Freedom is Not Free” aphorism.
Unfortunately, by itself it doesn’t tell us what particular situations in which we may spill the blood of tyrants, and have our own spilled, are wise to engage in. We spilled a lot of tyrants’ blood in Iraq and Afghanistan, and a lot of our own … to what end? We have to fight smart.
(2) It may be an immediate call to action. Along with the phrase “Playing for keeps” it might be taken by someone to mean that, the next time an FBI agent or policeman appears on their doorstep, to … engage.
A VERY bad idea, for many reasons. The quickest way to prison, or the graveyard, for one thing. Circumstances alter cases, and we can easily imagine some future tyranny in which the agents of the state are engaged in a battle to the death with patriots, but we are not in that situation now, and even if we were, what to do when is a tactical decision, not a moral one. (If you are set-up in a prepared ambush, and spot the point-man of an enemy patrol coming up the trail, you do NOT just open fire. That decision is made by the person in charge, who will signal it in some way, after waiting for the bulk of the patrol to enter the Kill Zone, perhaps by detonating a Claymore, or tugging on commo-wire attached to the machine-gunner’s boot. Fire discipline.)
The problem is, although you – who have shown that you are one sharp cookie when it comes to political understanding – and hopefully everyone else reading this, will take it in the sense of (1), and not do anything stupid … not everyone is so smart. We’ve got a significant number of people on our side who have good hearts, but not brains to match. (It’s not that they are stupid, it’s just that we are in a very complex, new situation, and as yet we lack the leadership we need).
We saw how easy it was to provoke these people into the fiasco of 6 January, a giant victory for the Left. And from time to time, we read about some ‘militia’ group falling into a trap set by an infiltrator, who knew how to entrap them, without legally going over the line of formal ‘entrapment’. More than a few patriots seem to have manhood problems and are all too easily provoked into ‘putting their money where their mouths are’. We’re doing these brothers no favors by setting them up for provocateurs.
(3) Finally, there are some people whom I have come across – not anyone here, and certainly not you, Dr Manhattan – who are just hot-air merchants. Big talk, no action. And by ‘no action’ I don’t only mean they have not the slightest intention of substituting the criticism of weapons for the weapon of criticism, they don’t do anything else to help the patriot cause either. But they do help the provocateurs, the Russian trolls, the infiltrators, by providing supporting background noise to drive good patriots into doing something stupid.
So, yes, we’re playing for keeps. It’s the other side who want to destroy the law-governed Republic where we settle our differences in an orderly, legal manner. They’re the ones who want blood.
We’re the ones who are being forced to defend ourselves. If they want to play hard ball, I think they’ll find we’re much better at it than they are. But they must fire the first shot.
Fire discipline.
Dr_Manhattan: No they don’t [have power on Indian lands] and I know my rights! They have no jurisdiction over sovereign nations. Our land are our lands!
Me:Hmmm… ‘rights’ without firepower are just a pretty abstraction.
I happen to believe that if the patriot forces are able to achieve some sort of new Constitutional settlement, allowing much more autonomy to the states – or if there is ever outright secession – that the Indian nations should be offered the same deal, or more. But I don’t know enough about the actual, concrete social reality in the Indian nations to know whether this is realistic.
Dr_Manhattan: Who says we are without firepower?
People have to die, it is just the way it is. When the soapbox and the ballot box fail, the next step is the ammo box. A few good hangings is always good for democracy, it is its natural manure. I don’t know about you but cheating and stealing elections is as intolerable when a cat takes a shit in your bed and eventually that leads further and further down the trail to tyranny. Nero and Rome burning is something I am seeing presently! History rhymes!"
Me: Well, so long as the talk about killing etc remains a lot of words in a forum, no problem. Anyone can say anything here and it has zero significance. (Although I have no doubt these forums are automatically monitored, and certain keywords will invoke human attention.)
But for anyone reading this who is in a real group engaging in political action in the world: if someone in your group starts talking about the ammo box, hanging people etc … watch out!!! It’s almost certainly a cop talking, and the intention is to sucker you into doing things that can be construed as conspiring to commit a felony. These people know how to walk right up to the line of ‘entrapment’ without crossing it.
We need to form serious community defense groups, fully exercising their Second Amendment Rights, with all the supporting elements – intel, comms, logistics, transport, medical, engineering – that will be needed during any disaster, natural or man -made.
Doing that will attract hostile attention. So we must be prepared for that. We are legal and peaceful and anyone trying to pull us out of that situation is working for the enemy, whether they know it or not.
Dr_Manhattan: That is just paranoia, I don’t buy all the garbage of being monitored and being tracked nonsense. Maybe a few years ago that might have been the case, but we are way past that bridge now. The talk is now about abolishing such organizations such as the FBI, ODNI, Homeland Security and the ATF. All have run its course.
I was surprised that someone who is an attorney can be so naive. I’ve done a fair amount of reading about the history of the FBI during the 50s and 60s and 70s, their infiltration of Leftist groups – hindered by Hoover’s obsession with the idea that they were being controlled by hostile foreign powers, which meant that the FBI only got one man into the Weathermen, and then Hoover surfaced him way too early for publicity reasons. But they did a pretty good job of infiltrating the Klan and destroying them. As they have Muslim militants in the US over the last 20 years, and as they have wtih various boneheaded ‘Militia’ groups as well.
Anyway, another disappointment. The only good thing is that it’s clear that Dr_Manhattan is himself not going to get entrapped – all the stuff about killing and hanging is just hot air.
I was surprised that someone who is an attorney doesn’t realize how different a casual statement about killing people will sound, when read out by a hostile District Attorney to an unsmiling jury of liberals. I hope he never finds out.
Yes. But -
They "did a pretty good job of infiltrating the Klan and destroying them. As they have Muslim militants in the US over the last 20 years …"
Wrong, Doug, They have done a lousy job with Muslim militants. Just one example: