Well, okay, I qualified my praise with ‘pretty good’.
The real issue is: did they miss this guy because of Political Correctness, the way they, or somebody missed that ‘Soldier of Allah’ who killed 14 people at Fort Hood [Ft. Hood killer’s title was ‘Soldier of Allah’], or the Manchester chldren’s concert bomber in the UK – who was actually spotted as suspicious and reported to a guard, who declined to check on him because it might be seen as ‘racist’. [Dear God, is our culture suicidal, or what?]
I don’t know enough about that example to say.
However, you can find plenty of complaints in the leftist magazine The Nation, that the FBI has been entrapping young Muslims. [Deploying Informants, the FBI Stings Muslims | The Nation].
I have to admit I didn’t cry myself to sleep over what The Nation is complaining about, but they may have a point. I think it’s the way they caught Tommy Tarrants in Meridian, Mississippi, a long time ago.
There is another point we have to face: despite all the leftist exaggeration and smears, there are ‘right wing’ terrorists. WE don’t think they’re on the real Right … at least I don’t … but in some conventional sense, they are. And the FBI should be snagging these people, just like it should be going after Islamic terrorists and leftwing terrorists – who, so far, seem to be deranged individuals, like their ‘right wing’ counterparts, as opposed to Weatherman style organized groups.
Basically, in a pure patriotic Constitutional democracy, we would need a national police force like the FBI. We can’t get around that. So we have to be discriminating in our criticism of what they do – not all of it is bad by any means. In fact, most of it is fully supportable.