Zuckerberg’s bucks were illegal


Right. Quote:

Leftist election officials in the urban core of the swing states kicked America out of the counting room and invited billionaires in during the 2020 election. Elections must be transparent to be fair, and America deserves to see the records reflecting how these private interests funded by left-leaning billionaires managed the election.

When those communications are public, it will be clear that the left did far more than just corrupt our elections – they were actively working to turn government offices, which must act objectively, into campaign turn-out-the-vote centers for the Biden campaign.


Yes, this alarm has been sounded for a year now, with nothing done about it. I’m glad to see that it’s finally being recognized as illegal.
Now, how long until justice is done?


Jack Dorsey had the nerve to complain that Biden is hurting the economy while he was responsible for censoring the news about Hunter Biden’s laptop just so he could get Biden elected.


What an idiot! He censored Trump and covered for Biden, and now he’s complaining?
Please just shut up and go away, moron.

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What a despicable scam, perpetrated by despicable scumbags.

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