Yet Another Contingent of the US Stasi

The Democrat-controlled Senate proposed a new bill to censor and police Americans’ First Amendment rights.
Brought forth by Democrat Senator Michael Bennet (D-CO), the “Digital Platform Commission Act (DPCA)” would flag misinformation and hate speech on the internet.
The bill creates a federal agency to do nothing but the mandate and enforce guardrails against people who spread so-called “misinformation,” giving out consequences for information Democrats deem wrong.
The bill would violate the American Constitution.
If passed by Congress, the Federal Digital Platforms Commission would have five commissioners appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. The Commission would have the authority to promulgate regulations, impose civil penalties, hold hearings, conduct investigations, and support research.
Constitutional attorney Harmeet Dhillon called the bill “unconstitutional… evil and stupid,” while Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) highlighted the hypocrisy of the Democrat-backed bill saying, saying that the “largest area of misinformation is coming from the government”.

Fortunately, the bill will not be passed by Congress. Not when the House has a Republican majority. Though the Republican Party is as limp as a strand of overcooked spaghetti, it won’t pass this bill.

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That would be their replacement for the “Ministry of Truth” they tried to foist on us last year. Foiled again! But I’m sure that won’t stop them.
After they steal the next election, they’ll try it again.

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