Will Israel Be Biden's Burnt Offering for Iranian Mullahs' Victory?

Starting with Hamas’ invasion of Oct. 7, the Iranian-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon launched an utterly unprovoked assault on the Galilee.

Now, eight months later, entire cities stand abandoned and countless acres of farmland uncultivated or burnt.

Each day, the range of Hezbollah fire advances southward, today targeting the major cities of Safad and Tiberias, and tomorrow, most likely, Haifa.

If left unchecked, Hezbollah soon could render half the country uninhabitable.

Israeli counter strikes have killed hundreds of Hezbollah terrorists and destroyed many of their emplacements, but such actions will have little effect on an organization that unflinchingly lost thousands fighting in the Syrian civil war.

Tragically, a combination of Hezbollah barbarism, UN impotence and America’s fears have brought Israel to the point of no choice.

The anguish of northern Galilee is simply unsustainable and must be ended, even at an exorbitant price.

Though the media, fixated on Gaza, all but ignores the conflagration unfurling further north, a major war is liable to break out there any moment, with untold ramifications for the Middle East, the United States and the world.

In that event, Israel will act to defend itself, and Israelis will look to our American allies to assist us in restoring our security.

I expect they will look to America in vain if Biden is still in power. He - that is to say, Obama - wants Iran to win, and Hezbollah is Iran’s main military force in the region.
Also, Iran is close to having a nuclear arsenal, probably already has some nuclear bombs.

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And I doubt Iran will hesitate to use it’s nuclear bombs on Israel if and when it has them.
And then what will the pro-Iran Obama/Biden hypocrites do?

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Rejoice - and blame Israel, probably.

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