Will & Amala Matt Walsh Interview Prager U

This is worth watching, I like Matt Walsh a lot, he is a very rational, reasoned individual, and while some of his advice is maybe NOT what we all want to hear, I can’t say he’s wrong. Tho I hope he is about the Short Term, as much as I still agree with him about being all in on fighting this, regardless.
Additionally, I find Will & Amala refreshing- Young folks that are Bright and Thoughtful but still optimistic- I think we ALL can use a shot of that now and then, lol. And they, and others, give me HOPE. Which often is in short supply on this side of the fence. Being a Vet, I’m conditioned to hopelessness, hahaha, and fighting on anyway, because that IS how you often win, and often give your best, when you no longer have any options TO give less. A lesson maybe others may appreciate, IDK. But this is worth the Watch. It’s about the Trans issues, but it really is a good starting point for fighting back, because it is this kind of BS that if left unchecked, will cause a landslide of far WORSE. We can NOT continue allowing them to make the Majority party to THEIR fantasies. I truly, on a personal level, could not care LESS what they do or don’t do, but it is no longer about individuals, thay have made this a Cultural Fight, and we MUST Win it, or face far worse ahead. This is literally “The Emperors New Clothes”, and it can not be let to stand. In fact, I would say that we ARE clearly in the Right, because WE, if we win this, plan no harm to them. While it is CLEAR that if THEY Win, they will do whatever they please to US. I agree with Matt- these are Evil intentions, and must be treated as such. Okay, enough of my commentary- Watch for yourselves.


Yes, good show and interview! I agree with him that the best thing parents can do is just get their kids out of public schools. As long as the government runs them they are not salvageable.