We don’t take SS yet, but will have to when we turn 70 next year. I remember thinking more than a few years ago, that we might not have any by the time we reached “retirement age.” SS has been broke for a long, long time.
I would like to shout, “I don’t understand!” but unfortunately, I do understand.
Socialism is a rotten ideology, bound to fail wherever it is practiced.
If the state is allowed to take control of your life, it inevitably also takes control of your death. It can decide when you should die and kill you - slowly by depriving you of all means of self help, or quickly by enforced euthanasia.
If you are old and/or ill and/or unproductive, the socialist state obviously saves money by killing you.
It’s a rotten socialist mess, but were stuck with it.
And yes, those in charge know we’re powerless to change it, so as they do with everything else, will keep shoveling our money into expanding their own wealth and power. Now they’re throwing it to Ukraine, their equally corrupt partners in crime.
Does anyone really think that if we “save” Ukraine from Russia, it will be a “democracy”?
No, it will continue to be a corrupt oligarchy and a partner in crime to Biden and his cronies.
Remember it started as a “widows and orphans” fund during the Civil War, and was never to be considered a retirement plan. And, that was when the life-expectancy was much lower.
I didn’t but scan this page, but there is a lot of history here about “securities” funded by governments.