Why is Trump having dinner with this creep?

So, Kanye calls Trump, with whom he has met before and worked with on the prison reform thingie (remember that?) and says he is in town and wants to talk with Trump about something. Either Trump or West suggests meeting for dinner. Is there really anything wrong with this so far?

Kanye brings along the other loons and whatever happens, Trump was not prepared for…and all hell breaks loose as the media wet themselves in delight.

Kanye West has been moving toward a full-blown manic episode apparently, but how was Trump to know this? I doubt that he follows West’s speech and action so closely as to know his Bi-Polar status.

But…everybody knows it now. Kanye needs help. He is way off his meds or his meds no longer work to prevent manic or depressive episodes that are dramatic. So the anti-semitism that was there but not so public became bat-shit crazy anti-semitism broadcast to the world.

Kanye also went bat-shit crazy in touch with gawd and that is always a dead giveaway that the mania is increasing. But he has also had some clear-headed speech of which many of us would approve, even if it did come from gawd as he experienced it.

None of this is Trump’s fault, nor is it his responsibility to know about the man, whom he might consider to be his friend and who might be not bat-shit crazy when he is properly medicated.

Much, much ado about nothing…but look how much mileage it gets everywhere, just because Trump was involved in some way.

Were it merely a normal human, whose friend or relative spouted crazy stuff when off their meds, little would be made of this embarrassing turn of events and it would be lost amidst all the other news that mattered more to real people.

I would not wish fame on anyone.


Trump’s first and only error was his agreeing to meet with West in the first place. west is a black David Duke. He should be shunned.

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I am quite willing to accept Trump’s claim that he was blindsided by West.
But the fundamental issue here is why Trump continues to socialize with blatant and unrepentant Jew haters such as Kanye West.


I simply don’t understand why Trump, specifically, Conservatives, generally, are letting West get away with this monstrous Jew hatred.​ And until Trump and Tucker et al. directly repudiate this man, I will not ever feel the same about them.
Is it just because I am Jewish that I feel this so forcefully? I certainly hope not this is not the case.


You’re right - the silence is deafening.
And West has compounded his guilt, after saying those things, by also supporting Balenciaga - the pedophile fashion firm! (I think he has business ties with them). So any slim chance of giving him a pass because he’s mentally ill or whatever is gone.
But Trump did denounce him, unlike Tucker.
Wayne Root wrote a good article on it at Gateway Pundit - “Wayne Root - The Greatest Gaslight in History…” (Root is Jewish, which I didn’t know.)
He talks about how Trump is the most pro-Jewish, pro-Israel President we ever had.


Thanks for the info, Liz.

Here’s the Wayne Root article:


Is Trump continuing to socialize with West?

Is West lost in a manic episode?

Did Trump and West have a working relationship, even friendship, before West lost control entirely?

Should everyone condemn to oblivion the Bi-Polar people who get lost in a manic episode? Disavow and disown them? Believe that the person in the grip of mania is the real person in a sort of in vino veritas manner?

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When the Balenciaga thing hit the news, West condemned such behavior as “not what God wants us to be like.” It is his wife that has a clothing line or something with the company. I had not heard that he later supported the company.

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I agree with the author.

“And to President Trump I give one piece of advice. Hire a gatekeeper. Know the background of who you’re dining with. Never let anyone like Kanye or Fuentes near your table ever again.”

Now, what is it that will satisfy those who can’t let this go as the small mishap and possible set-up and media wet dream that it is?

What does Trump have to do to make amends?


Good piece, but it misses the point.

No argument - Obama is a racist, anti-Semitic, America hating bastard. The left gave, and still gives, him a pass. The right focused on such irrelevancies as where he was born, not what he said or did.

No argument - Trump is one of America’s finest Presidents. He is unquestionably philo-Semitic. But, while knowing West was a Jew hater, Trump still invited him for dinner. and he sees no problem with this. He is a good man, but too often displays very poor judgment. I grant this can be seen as a (minor) faux pas, yet I hope for better from Trump, and more so because I believe he would invite West for dinner again. There’s the rub.

Yes, I am a member of the Jewish people although I reject Judaism as a religion and I do not follow any rituals or ceremonies. I am what Freud called “a godless Jew”.
So, I hope you will understand my anxieties when I see anti-Semitism celebrated on the left, increasingly tolerated on the right, and the moslem threat always lurking.


Yes, the resurgence of anti-semitism, thanks to the left’s embrace of Islam, and of its bastard offspring like Farrakhan and the “Nation of Islam” cult, is as frightening as it is disgusting.
Both leftists and Muslims are not only anti-semitic, but anti-American, and anti-Western civilization.
So the problem is for all of us, not just Jews.
And point taken that Trump has, in this case and others, exercised bad judgement, but you can’t expect perfection.


I agree with you. Trump likes to shoot from the hip - that’s why I love him…but sometimes his draw is not so good


Are you kidding? What Conservative media did that? None that I read or heard.

All patriotic Americans have anxiety about what the Left praises and demeans…and anti-Semitism is one of the biggies!


I do remember being frustrated by that very thing, though - there was too much focus on Obama’s birthplace, or that he was gay - and not enough on the fact that he was a COMMUNIST. Period.
Everything else was insignificant in light of that fact, which wasn’t emphazised enough by Rinos.

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Ah, by the elected… Certainly was not the focus of talk radio or Fox News pundits. Or online conservative media and other written media.

I suppose it would be difficult for Republicans in Congress to rant about Obama’s Communist Agenda and Anti-Semitism and blatant racism and seeming love of all things Islam and Pro-Iran dealings while he was President. And, yes, the RINOs sucked up to him. What a piece of work it all was…


You say this tongue in cheek I assume.

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