Why Do Some Hindus, Some Muslims, All Christians Worship Dead Jews?

An article in this Leftist Israeli newspaper asks, “Why are [some] Hindus and Muslims worshiping dead Jews?”:

For two thousand years Jews have been wondering why Christians worship a dead Jew. The answer is extremely long-winded and complicated, and entirely implausible.

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What alot of old legends and superstitions there are about “holy” men, in every religion. It puts the one about Jesus into perspective - it was just one among millions, that just happened to catch on.

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My immediate reply is simply that it is about humans honoring with “worship” the actions and words of a human that made an important difference in the course of human history. The bigger question is; Why is it not reciprocated?

And, then, it isn’t Judaism that Christians worship/honor, it is the Christ. They are Christians. If Jews accepted Jesus as the Christ, they would be Christians.

I haven’t read the article yet…guess I should later.

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Yes, its ironic that Christianity used Judaism to prop up its “legitimacy”, but then turned on the Jews as “Christ-killers”.
Islam, in turn, basically did the same thing to both Judaism and Christianity.
It must be part of the DNA of religion itself to destroy its “host” religion, which is in itself a sort of host destroying mental parasite.

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Sorry, Jeanne, I do not understand the points you are making here.

Who should reciprocate what?

“The Christ” of the Christian religion was, they claim, an historical person - a Jew. A fanatically religious Jew. But - yes - they reject his religion, “the Law”; because, they say, his coming and “sacrifice” superseded it.


Why don’t Christians worship/honor the other believers’ “saviors”, etc?

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You know why, Jeanne!


Because Christianity is the ONLY TRUTH?! And, Jesus-HolyGhost-Jehovah is the ONE TRUE GOD!? Are the OTG?

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Because that’s what Christians believe.


Yes, but so do those other religions believe that about their supernatural entities. Yet, they apparently worship/honor Christian ones.

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So Christians are just more mean-spirited than others?


Well Hindus are polytheistic, so they can include other gods in their worship.


No, maybe they are more dedicated to their religion. Who knows? I find it interesting that non-Christian religions tend to worship/honor the Christian christ and that is not reciprocated.

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That makes sense, Liz.

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