Why are some conservatives so utterly mindless at times?


I tried to “look it up” as Lara suggests and found nothing to support the idea that the Rothschilds paid Darwin to invent evolution. Later, Rothschild money did fund trips to the Galapagos for specimen gathering and scientific observation.
She is a believer. She believes that the origins of life may only be explained by God. God created life to be mysterious, because he moves in mysterious ways. All that atomic energy and molecule jabber is irrelevant to Life.
But is she also anti-semitic? There has been leftist Jewish outcry at this anti-evolution statement and her comparison of Fauci to Mengele. Leftists accuse people who are against Soros politically of “antisemitism”.
Is her apparent antisemitism merely an aspect of her Christian dogmatism? Her position on the right of American politics (Fox News) is due to her faith. The touchstone for me would be views on Israel. I haven’t found anything so far to suggest she wants Israel to be wiped off the map, as J Street does. Unlike leftist Jews, I do not object to the Evangelical support of Israel. Will there be reason to object to Israel’s support of Ukrainian (Catholic?) Christians? 50,000 of them so far have been taken into Israel.


Yes, I agree - she is simply pushing the idea of Darwin being paid to “invent” the idea of evolution because, as a Christian, she wants to discredit Darwin and evolution. Mindless, for sure, but not necessarily anti-semitic.
And as you point out, its absurd to say that her comparison of Fauci to Mengele is anti-semitic - just like criticising Soros isn’t anti-semitic.
And isn’t “Fauci” an Italian name, anyway?
I certainly didn’t know he was Jewish.

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Seems Josiah Wedgwood (of the famous Wedgwood pottery) personally funded Charles Darwin’s voyage on the Beagle. The ship itself belonged to the British navy, so British taxpayers funded it.

Incidentally, Charles Darwin’s mother and wife were both members of the Wedgwood family.

Not a Jew in sight!


The satanic Doctor Fauci is not Jewish.


It is a fair claim that Charles Darwin was the greatest scientist who ever lived. He became bitterly anti-religous, partly because he saw through the idiotic claims of the religous community, also because of the early death of his beloved daughter, Annie. He had been brought up in a highly religous society, and family, in a time when atheism was considered blasphemous. He studied widely and was expert in many disciplines, and he associated with some of the greatest minds of that time. It was a far more scientific time than ours; ideas were being explored that were revolutionary, and he was at the forefront of that.
Lara Logan is somewhat typical of our current crop, of “thought” leaders. Shallow, trivial, but certain. There is no way at all she can have any clue as to the depth of Darwin’s intellect, it is like nothing she has ever, or ever will experience.


Isaac Newton might be classed as an equal to Charles Darwin, or even a rival for the title of “greatest scientist who ever lived”. Albert Einstein is also a contender.


Very well said indeed.


Thanks for this. I had forgotten the Wedgwood connection to Darwin.


He is certainly not Jewish, and I hope most Italians would disown him too!


I confess I know very little about her. I have enjoyed some of her reporting some time ago.
I recall she was savagely raped while in Cairo after 9/11.
Many Christians (liberal and conservative) still have a hard time dealing with Darwin, but to blame the Rothschilds is pure anti-Semitism.


In my saying that Darwin was perhaps the greatest scientist of all time, I had no intention, of course, of downplaying the many other great thinkers in our history.
It is just that Darwin was expert in many different disciplines in which he pushed the boundaries. In developing his theory of evolution he used hard science like biology, zoology, geology, chemistry, physics and others.
He also deeply contemplated the philosophy of life; asking, and answering, some of the most profound questions of existence. His answers to those questions causes anxiety, and even anger, to this day and probably will for much longer, in those who believe in the simplistic, and fantastical, explanations promoted by religion.
He lived in a time when the church was a major influence, and power, in society. His courage in confronting them was truly admirable.
That said, he was one of many.


She suffered a horrifying assault while reporting live in Cairo. Her naivete in going to that venue is itself an indication of her lack of understanding of that of which she was reporting. Our host, Ms Becker, has great knowledge of that area and the societies that infest it.
I bet that she was appalled at what happened to Lara Logan; but surprised? I doubt it.


You are right, Father_Lode. I was appalled but not surprised. A blonde young woman goes unveiled into the midst of a raging crowd of fanatical Muslim men and is sexually assaulted? A thing horrible to happen but foolish to risk.


Yes, i liked her reporting awhile back, but your right - conspiracy theories involving the Rothschilds are pretty much bound to be anti-semitic in nature.


Yes I remember thinking the same think when the rape occurred. What was she thinking?


I like the way you think, sir.


Well, if I am true to form, you will soon detest me! :wink:

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Nonsense, Father_Lode. Just watch your words.


Ms Becker; FGS, have a sense of humor! :grinning:

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