Why Are Our Hidden Masters Mutilating Our Children?

I’m sure there are some gays that were born that way. But I think there are many who chose to be that way because, after the left hijacked the whole concept and made it a “civil rights” cause for a new victim class, it just became another way to be a “victim of society” and rebel against moral norms.
Just as most of the current “genderqueer” people, conforming to the latest “nonconformist” schtick, are useful idiots for the left.

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I think that when sexuality loosened up, people felt easier about expressing their desires, which once made them social pariahs. And I am thankful for that.

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James Lindsey gives an interesting talk titled “Gnosticism, Modern and PostModern” on his website “newdiscourses.com”.
He suggests that Marxism and its postmodern forms of feminism, CRT, and Gender ideology, etc, are all forms of gnosticism.
The basic premise of gnosticism is to escape the “prison of being” through “gnosis”. In Marxism, the bourgeois imprison the proletariat through property ownership, and the escape is through the special “gnosis” of Socialism, which, when implemented, results in Utopia.

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I think institutional promotion of transgenderism, especially among young people, is one strategy to decrease fertility in the developed free world. But it could also have the aim of provoking visible and understandably hostile reaction among normal, mainstream citizens, who could then be demonized and prosecuted for ‘transphobia’.


On the surface of it, the writer has a similar understanding to my own as explained in my essays (under Pages listed in the margin of our website) titled The Darkness of This World.

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And it is another means to separate us, to keep us agitated, and angry at each other as the PTB go about their global machinations. At what cost? The sanity and stability of our younger generation.


Yes, I knew you’d written about this and thought you’d probably also made these comparisons, but couldn’t remember exactly what you’d said.
The audio isn’t very long, he just gives a short summary of his case.

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Thanks, Liz. I’ll listen to it.

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This is an indignant article. But indignation is not enough. Fury and punitive action is imperative.

“Pedophilia is proliferating in the nation’s public schools.”

“Teachers in San Francisco are letting children as young as kindergarteners choose their gender, then helping those same students to ‘transition’ without even informing their parents.”

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Yes, it’s an outrage. Talk about a national emergency - all public schools should be shut down immediately! But there’s a slight problem - those in charge of the government are the ones perpetrating it.
So we’re faced with the fact that we do have a national emergency, but it’s not just the schools.
It’s the takeover of our government, and thereby the country - by the worst kind of traitors.
Traitors who not only want power, they are willing to do anything to get it - by not only destroying the economy, but by committing genocide through the forcing of poisonous injections, and the mental, emotional and physical abuse of our children.

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A little common sense appearing on the Left? Is it possible?Is it happening?

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher argued that medical schools are the problem for incorrectly maintaining that giving puberty blockers to children is reversible and that this is especially galling coming from people who claim to represent science.
During a discussion on children transitioning and transitional treatments for children, writer Andrew Sullivan said the Biden administration “will not say a word against it, even though plenty of other countries in Europe are establishing — clearly, the media — The New York Times, even, The Washington Post, have begun to consider maybe there [are] problems with these puberty blockers and these early interventions and maybe we shouldn’t intervene so early. And the Biden administration is, no enemies whatsoever to the left ever. We will never say anything but this is essential, obvious, and we should trans[ition] students as soon as possible. And it’s just — I don’t even think Biden is that behind this, but he’s certainly controlled by people who are.”
Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) then stated, “Well, medical schools are behind this, actually. We’ve read stories about –.”
Maher cut in to state, “Yes. And that’s the problem is that –.”
Mace added, “They’re training these medical students to say that puberty blockers are reversible, they are not.”
Maher responded, “Right. And this is coming from the we’re the science people.”

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A “little” common sense, but it only goes so far.
Maher and these others are at least embarrassed enough by the obvious stupidity of it to point it out, but they’ll still fail to connect the dots, and will continue to trash Trump and vote for leftists.

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The sixties “let it all hang out.” Free love, polymorphous perversity, unisex, swinging couples, one night-stands, women demanding Big, Bigger and Biggest “Os”, abortion and equality, no-shame VD clinics (what’s a little gonorrhea amongst friends?), streaking, bras burnt, gays coming out of the closet, soft porn sex scenes in movies, topless sunbathing, hippy communes, S & M, Charles Manson and his family… The only sexual desire that was shameful and kept under wraps - until recently - was pedophilia. The idea (attributed to Freud) that repression of desire was unhealthy - a cause of neurosis and depression - became common wisdom. Witnessing the civic break-down that this idea of health has led us to, I can’t really be thankful that people feel easier about expressing their desires.


Claire, I was specifically referring to the effect the “sexual loosening” had on people leading “normal” lives, except that they were homosexual and forced to keep that desire in the closet. I am glad that these fellow humans have been able to live as free as heterosexuals. I do not in the least approve of promiscuity or perversity or pornography or cheating, but I do accept that there have always been homosexuals.

I am in favor of topless sun bathing for women if men are allowed to do so. In my opinion, anywhere a man can go topless, a woman should be allowed to…but I would prefer that topless swimming and sun bathing be kept to similar places. No topless okay for anybody on the boardwalk or anywhere else other than swimming places. “If I were King…”

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I’m afraid I can’t agree on the topless sunbathing for women idea. I mean, why don’t we all just go naked, then?


Why don’t we all just cover our nipples? Why don’t women find men’s nipples…or boobs… erotic to view? Why do women have to “protect” men’s delicate sexual senses by covering our boobs or nipples? Why are women’s nipples and boobs considered porn or obscene or sexy and must be hidden away from public view? Why aren’t mens nipples/boobs consider such that they must be hidden from public view?

I don’t want to parade topless or sunbathe topless…maybe swim topless…and maybe on hot and humid days I might want to feel the breeze on my chest and boobs. Why can’t I do that in public, but men can?

I don’t want to see a topless man, quite frankly, but it doesn’t turn me on and it isn’t considered to be a public obscenity. Why are topless women considered to be just that? Men flaunt their topless bodies on some beaches and other men just don’t care what people have to view. If women do it, then we get an x-rating.

It has just always pissed me off…and add bras to that, too.

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Jeanne - I cannot but believe that you know the answer.

If you really don’t, ask a young (heterosexual) man.


Of course I know the answer. I have never liked it. I don’t class topless sunbathing or bra-burning in with sexual promiscuity or perversions or even the loosening of sexual values. These were…you know…rhetorical questions, Jillian. My initial reply was to Claire.

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I understand what you’re saying, but I guess I’m of the view that the more thats “left to the imagination”, the better.
(You and Jillian may joke about being prudes, but I guess I really am one! :smile:)


Good that you’re a prude, Liz! Your candor encourages me to admit that I am too really.