The system is totally broken to the point where only drastic reforms under a ruthless leader like a Trump 2.0 or Ron DeSantis 1.0 can save our country.
There is nothing left to conserve. We must loot and pillage and fight to rebuild upon the ruins.
We are in a fight. It’s not going to be over when we pass a few laws or overturn some terrible precedents; those are necessary but far from sufficient actions. No, we are in a long and brutal political struggle where the stakes are our liberty.
Yes. The system is broken and only major, earth shattering, drastic reforms will fix it.
That’s what Trump voters understand.
Gotta love Kurt.
I don’t think that DeSantis can do what needs to be done. Virgil told two newbies to the county race, “You realize that this is only one term, don’t you? If we do what we have to do, we won’t win a second term.”
They didn’t understand. So he told them that in order to do what they must do to get the county through the bad times coming and set it right, they are going to make a lot of enemies in powerful places. And they understood when he went into specifics, yet the youngest asked, “If we do what is right, won’t they want us to stay?” He lost to the incumbent, even though he was with the local Constitution-trained group.
Trump has to be “that guy” first. He has to set it right so DeSantis can follow up. And, DeSantis has to fine-tune his tactics, gird his loins tighter and toughen his soul more so that he is well tempered to follow Trump. DeSantis cannot let America down. Unless somebody else steps up that can stand the heat, these two are our best hope in hell’s kitchen.
I want to clarify my post.
I don’t mean to say that DeSantis doesn’t have what it takes, but that Trump must do the dirty work. Trump does not have to worry about getting re-elected. He can afford to piss off the PTB, who hate what his policies would mean to their power…and to the people’s power…and to America. DeSantis doesn’t have that luxury. But he can pick up the torch and carry it and us forward as America, and not some nation of slaves beholding to the WEF and/or China…and for two terms, I hope.
That is what Donald Trump must do for America.