Guys and Gals; I would like to relate to you all some of the experiences I have had in the last couple of months. I live in Pinellas County, Florida where I work in an electrical construction co. I founded with my son in 2006.
Recently we have encountered some actually unprecedented and rather unbelievable circumstances that I want to share with you. We have found that electrical equipment manufacturers, including some global companies and including the largest in the world, have no inventory, do not want to quote to supply routine and commonplace material, because: 1: They cannot guarantee a price, and 2: They cannot guarantee that even if they quote a price, that they can supply the material quoted for.
We have experienced 50% increases in the cost of wire through a project, delayed deliveries of the most basic of items (enclosures, conduit, lighting fixtures, etc.).
We have spoken to some of our peers in the industry and can confirm that all trades are suffering the same conditions. Some have actually walked off major projects because material shortages and increased prices have made them susceptible to heavy losses and even bankruptcy. We are going into survival mode.
There is no sign that the situation is improving, in fact all signs are that things are getting worse.
I urge all forum members to examine their stock supply conditions and plan for extended shortages and massive price increases.
Best to you all.
Thanks for that, Father_Lode.
It’s bad, and not surprising. More than half the electorate - if the 2020 election was not a cheat - voted for this, whether the voters understood what they were voting for or not. Economic decline was plainly predictable.
I think the problems are a lot deeper than can be explained by one election cycle, even if the election was outrageously fraudulent.
I highly recommend two sites that concentrate on energy issues: “Our Finite World”, written by Gail Tverberg, and “Surplus Energy Economics”, by Dr. Tim morgan.
Both of these suggest that a fundamental change is taking place in the whole global economy, based on changes in the “Energy Cost of Energy”. The problem for the West is that our current leaders have no clue whatsoever about what is really happenning, and no plan to counter it.
Stock up on essentials; the future may be a rocky ride indeed.
FL, I think that our leaders know exactly what is really happening. If they are to take us to Net-Zero emissions by 2050 or earlier, they hope, then they will want us to stop growing.
Petroleum is in everything we use to grow. Demand Destruction has worked before and will work again to quickly alter how we live.
I like the simplicity of this explanation from Glenn Beck: Demand destruction occurs when a commodity is priced SO high that consumers are forced to find alternative ways to use less of it.
If you can’t even get it…and if you could… pay for it. This is not a good time to decide to build a new house.
Yes, they do know, and are doing it on purpose!!!