We've come a long way from Harper Valley PTA

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I wonder what her religious beliefs are. My guess is that she’s politically conservative, but any sane democrat should support her position. I made a transcript…

… and I am a cat – meow, meow. I’m not a woman dressed as a cat. I am a cat. By show of hands, I’m curious, how many of you believe and confess that I’m a cat? Great. By a show of hands, I’m curious – How many of you believe that your child, or a child from this school, would believe that I’m actually a cat? No one. You are right. Why? Because you are not stupid, and these children are not stupid. Truth prevails over imagination. Reality exists. Discernment is innate and something we are biologically wired to have. One look at me, and you know this to be true. I am a woman, posing as a cat. You may also think correctly that if I truly believe I’m a cat, I have a mental disorder. If I suffer from a mental disorder, and if I’m unable to discern reality, am I safe to be around children? Would you put me in charge of making critical decisions about the safety and well-being of children, and about the direction of their education, when I cannot even discern truth from fiction? Confession – I’m not actually a cat, guys, just because I say I am. You’ve not agreed to, or committed to addressing me as a cat simply because I demand it. No tail, whiskers or outfit makes me a cat. Just like no lipstick, high heels, or long hair makes him a woman. It is just as biologically impossible for me to become a cat as it is for a man to be a woman. And you have one job as members of this school board, and it’s defined as this: School board members are responsible for broad, forward thinking, minute analysis and decisive action in all areas that affect students and staff in their schools. I ask you – Do you believe that the actions of a grown man playing dress-up as a woman affects the students and staff positively, or negatively? A public school is not the place for social experiments in altered realities or gender ideologies. It is not the place to celebrate a grown man with a mental illness dressing as a woman and teaching kids lies. Children come to school to learn facts and truths about reality, including unchanging biological truths about science and nature – not to learn that they can change biological realities and become anything they want in the name of diversity. What you’re actually doing is worse than just lying to our kids. You are forcing them to be participants in your lie, in your charade. You’re forcing them to deny what they see with their eyes and your forcing them to speak lies. I ask you again – am I a cat? And if you say no, then the mindset must be aligned with your discernment across the board. By allowing a falsity to be displayed and paraded around the school, you teach children that truth is not existent, facts are not real, and biology is a lie. You fail at your job, your only job, by confusing children and teaching them untruths, and to coddle a grown man playing dress-up as a woman. If you were to address me as cat right now, it’s as ridiculous as when you say Miss Bickfler, and a grown man’s voice comes thundering over the (speaker – She gets cut off the microphone by someone saying “Thank you” – followed by applause)


Yes, it’s much worse than a lie - they are forcing others, and in particular children, to participate in their lie.