I just found out about this today.
“The removal also happened in the same week that Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam traveled to Beijing to report on developments in the semi-autonomous Chinese city, where authorities have silenced dissent following the implementation of a sweeping national security law that appeared to target much of the pro-democracy movement following mass protests in 2019,” the outlet continued.”
“The 26-foot-tall Pillar of Shame “depicts 50 torn and twisted bodies piled on top of each other, was made by Danish sculptor Jens Galschiøt to symbolize the lives lost during the bloody military crackdown on pro-democracy protesters in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square on June 4, 1989,” the AP reported.”
“In October, the university started demanding it be removed, against the wishes of activists and rights groups. The statue’s creator told the university he would take the statue back to Denmark if he was granted legal immunity to not be persecuted under Hong Kong’s national security law that persecutes those who dissent against Chinese oppression. So far, Galschiøt has been unsuccessful in reclaiming his art.”