Zelenskyy is not the virtuous victim international news organizations have touted non-stop since the outbreak of war. He is and has been closely tied to the deep-seated corruption of Ukraine’s political class, puppeted by the WEF, funded by energy oligarchs with fingers stirring the entertainment pot from which Zelenskyy emerged. He was chosen to play a character promoting Ukraine independence but sold-out to the now openly stated ambition of consolidating a ‘New World Order’. Numerous personalities from Klaus Schwab, WEF’s founder, to Joe Biden have declared the intention of building such a global political-economic entity. It’s not and never has been a conspiracy theory. That’s proven by their own public announcements and Zelenskyy is a minor player along with other so-called leaders like Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron.
This does not absolve Vladimir Putin from accountability in forcing the issue by physically invading Ukraine territory.
There are no good guys in this fight and the United States does not belong in the middle of it except as a ploy to cloud the issue of the Biden family and other U.S. politicians’ use of Ukraine as a personal cash cow.
I don’t believe Putin invaded Ukraine to save the world from the Great Reset to a New World Order. But the criticism of Zelenskyy seems justified.