UK Rise in deaths of males aged 15-19 years

This is according to Dr Clare Craig who apparently is involved in a court case currently:

Everyone in the court agreed there had been a statistically significant rise in deaths in males 15-19 since May. The ONS also agreed that this needed investigating. Noone claims to know why.

The scandal of the century and the BBC etc are silent.


Yes, it’s pretty significant (according to Steve Kirch, I believe, who’s compared alot of statistical sources) that for every one person saved by the vaccines, 15 are killed!


Good grief! Is that a reliable statistic?


Thanks, Chauncey. Thing is, whatever the truths may be about this virus and its effects that no one is telling us, it is being used for iniquitous political ends.

It is time to stop all the masking, lockdowns, distancing, closures - and the vaccinations.

It’s a disease. It’s among us. It will remain among us. Like a thousand other diseases we run the risk of getting. Life is dangerous. Lots of us survive into old age anyway.

We know how to minimize risk. Government now is a worse threat that an epidemic.


I listened to Kirsch on a Steve Bannon podcast (sorry can’t link) in which he explained how he compared the info on VAERS with 12 other methods of calculating the results, and they all showed the same results. Of course I have no scientific credentials to say for sure, but I’ve heard alot of other reliable sources confirm that VAERS, if anything, under-reports the data, which means his estimates are, if anything, BELOW the actual number of deaths.


I might have remembered incorrectly then.