I was first introduced to Blaire White through a Paul Joseph Watson video in 2016 and I found this interview to be great. What are you thoughts about this?
Even without the ideology, its still a mental disorder.
Bruce Jenner is a “conservative”, but that doesn’t make him normal, now that he’s presenting himself as “Caitlyn”.
Still there are other like Blaire White that agree that it’s a mental disorder and have a “leave me alone” approach to life and hate being used as a political tool for the left.
Yes, that’s right. As individuals, they have the right to live however they want to. And they should be upset about being used as tools by the Left.
As always, it’s the Left who is forcing the “issue” of transgender “victimhood” on everyone, that gives them such a bad name, and creates an even worse problem than there was to begin with - kids getting sucked into the “mass hysteria” of peer group influence to “transition”.
This abnormality is rare and of no importance in itself. The bad thing is that the Left is making it seem important in order to sterilize children.
I cannot imagine why gender dysphoria, rather than being treated as a type of delusional disorder, is instead accepted as normal and not only untreated, but actually sanctioned. The medical professionals who should be finding ways to help patients understand that their feelings are delusional, are instead enabling and encouraging those delusions.
On the other hand, I believe that an adult has every right to indulge in such delusions, so long as they do no harm to others. No adult should be required to submit to unwanted medical treatment to help them understand that their feelings are delusional. An adult has every right to have his or her body mutilated to support their delusions. Almost always, though, they realize that their “transition” did not bring them the peace and happiness they wished. I don’t have the data at my fingertips, but I do recall a study which suggested that suicide rates for “transitioned” patients suffering from gender dysphoria are every bit as high as for those who do not “transition”.
The Alt-Left has used Anti-Racism and CRT to destroy the relative normalcy that was gained from the positive and growing race relations in the US and they are using the trans-victim and CSE in our schools to destroy the relative normalcy that the US had with homosexual citizens, while damaging that group as well.
Many people are okay with their particular psychological disorder and want to be left alone. Sociopathic Narcissists and their Codependents can remain happy if that is what suits them. Those with body dysmorphia of some sorts can be happy if that is what suits them. Doesn’t mean that they don’t have a psychological disorder, but it works for them. Those with mild Bi-Polar conditions (not Manic-Depressives) seem to do okay. Good for them. I wish them well.
Why is the Left obsessed with trans-people and insisting that our children may not be male or female, but something more ? less? both? none of the above? If only we were smart enough to give them a chance…
It has nothing to do with POC or Trans; it has to do with their desire to have control over everything, so they can continue the decline of the USA. They don’t care about these people. They care about controlling the masses and ruining America.
A question; what is the deal with “they/them” and sexual identity? I get the “he/him” and “she/her”, but “they” is what…neither, both, what we used to call bi-sexual? Doesn’t the LGBQT cover all of the possibilities? I know they want us to think there are infinite sexes, but they are into serious psychological disorders with all these cases that seem to not be able to make up their minds.
Isn’t it simple? If you have gotten yourself boobs or you want to get boobs, then you are feminine. If you have gotten rid of your boobs or you want to get rid of your boobs, then you are masculine. If you like to have sex with both sexes, then you are Bi. Jenner was a lesbian trapped in a man’s body according to his sexual identity and sexual preferences. Whatever… Keep it simple.
Did you know that the “In” Trans Culture does not like the true trans people who choose to trans their bottom half, which is a horrendous amount of very painful surgery, but those are the actual body-sex mistakes that genetics makes, and is a tiny, tiny amount of people in the world? They are shunned. Is there any wonder why? They are not culture. They are the victims of real genetic mistakes and remind the cultural trans people that their trans feelings might be psychological or…just a phrase or a fad. A dangerous fad with life long consequences.
Our gay and lesbian friends stay clear of trans-people; too complicated they tell us. Well, I have babbled enough.
As for Blaire, good for her for being a conservative. She is a lovely person. I wish her well.
You are truly good-natured, Jeanne. You will always find a way to be happy and make those round you happy.
It runs in my family, I think. Thank you, Jillian, for that wonderful compliment. I will keep it in my heart forever.
Oh gawd, what a sentimental sap I am…
For medical “professionals” to encourage gender dysphoria and transitioning in children is not only criminal, but insane!
Yet not only they, but the government, media, and academia are encouraging it, too.
The insanity being forced on society now makes the dystopia of “1984” look mild in comparison.