Totalitarian Train

“So buckle up, friends, the totalitarian train is traveling at full steam. Only speed bumps ahead.”


But why?

The temptation of the abyss?

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Yes, he’s exactly right. This destruction of our culture, rewriting of history, and brainwashing with communist propaganda has been going on for so long now that it’s been fully absorbed by several generations. Too many don’t even understand the concept of free speech, the significance of our Founding, the importance of the Constitution, etc.
And so they don’t understand the danger of the Communist beast that’s about to devour us.

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“It is the desire to control and dominate others which motivates revolutionaries and thought commissars …”

Yes. But why do people vote them into power?

Why do Americans vote for a stupid, corrupt, and senile Biden and a silly useless annoying Kamala?

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The temptation of the abyss, perhaps, but also the contempt of so many for the principles upon which the US was founded and prospered…perhaps, a self-contempt?


Yes, we have “an undeclared version of a ruling Communist Party” already in place.
All it took was dumbing people down enough to keep voting for it to stay in power, which they successfully accomplished. Now they have enough power to make voting a mere formality, just like every other Communist dictatorship.

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Exactly so.