To Destroy America "at some level completely"

At the May 2024 “People’s Conference for Palestine” in Detroit, featuring US Rep. Rashida Tlaib, among many others, the People’s Forum’s executive director Manolo De Los Santos, to great applause, called for the complete destruction of the United States.

The People’s Forum is closely affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party.

One protester said: “The actual conversation is getting rid of this country, getting rid of America, getting rid of the West. This is what this [the protest] is for. Everyone here understands that at some level we need to get rid of America completely.”

Note the use of the word “conversation”. It is used as a euphemism for “aim”. Absolutely no disagreement is in fact allowed.

What is the “some level” at which “we need to get rid of America completely”? The word “completely” contradicts the phrase “at some level” which can only be there as a shield against accusation of incitement to launch a war of annihilation. (“No, no, Your Honor! I said ‘at some level’. By that I meant we must attempt only verbal struggle, ideological persuasion.”)

Read the whole article linked here. Note the inclusion of George Soros and the Rockefeller Foundation among the donors to the protestors.

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Proving what has been obvious all along - that Tlaib (and the rest of the “Squad”) are traitors, working for the Communist/Islamist “cause”.
The CCP has it’s tentacles so deep into our system, and the destruction is already so far advanced, it isn’t farfetched to imagine that the implosion of the Democrat party around Biden is just a minor “disturbance in the Force”, which will be easily overcome by the manufacturing of a few “emergencies”, and then the deployment of their greatest weapon - election fraud.

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