They decided to just go ahead and do it

If it is just a matter of taste, then if I post Beck, stop bringing up why you can’t tolerate him…and then I won’t feel I have to reply in any defense of him or of my taste in whom I get my information from.

Or just tell me to never post Beck again, and I can do that too, even when I think he has something important to add to the forum.


You are right. I am being self-contradictory.

You can freely post Beck videos here whenever you choose.


I will promise to be selective.

When one feels that ones mission is not only to inform, but to prepare people for what one fears is coming, and coming quickly, it is difficult to not become emotional with that fear of failure to do ones job…and the frustration that all exits are nearly closed off this tragic path America is being pushed down only adds to the weary task at hand of bringing truth and warnings that are public and/or private information from research and/or un-named experienced contacts, but which the average busy, busy person may not be aware of.

I can’t imagine digging through and then out of that pile of info every day, with or without a team assisting…and then bringing the most important to your listeners. Usually out of 80 bits of info and news stories from around the world, Beck cuts it down to 20 a day (which he later provides with a link and a bit in a daily emailing to us)…and then he covers the most that he can in 3 hours of airtime, adds to info through podcasts and interviews, and other shows on BlazeTV.

I would not wonder at his emotional state of mind; preparedness, fear, frustration, work and more work of finding a bit here and then there and realizing that little bits of info hidden by seeming of little importance add up to Consolidation of Power towards a Fascist America and Global Oligarchy, with war on the horizon under a collapsed dollar and depleted energy sector. And, at the end, after the last exit is closed, and having done all that could be done by him and his team to bring that fearful message to America, feeling that enough wasn’t done and that he failed, although he did his best, and knowing that there isn’t a way off this path, because humans are flawed beyond repair at this time in history, so the best can be done is to prepare for hard times, because we do get through this time with hope (and for believers with faith)…he leads us there too.

If you tell me that Millers and Bannon feel the same, I will believe you. But…I have spent over 20 years with Beck, and I trust him, while acknowledging that he and his team are also flawed, make mistakes, his timing is bad, but he will correct mistakes and update his timing as needed. I was stunned that he made predictions on Tucker, as he does that most unwillingly, but not until he feels strongly that he will, unfortunately, be right in them.

Again…rather a long defense of why I understand Beck, feel in a similar way to him, and trust him and his team. Ask this of yourself; Why did They need to destroy him, attack him, spy on him and his family, try to silence him on Fox News, pick up his worst times on air to represent this person They wanted gone, blackmail him, add him to a hit list (Soros), force him to spend a million a year on security for him and his family, and millions more to make his property secure, try to shut him down, paint him as Anti-Semite, Racist, a religious fanatic, bring up his past failed life and boycott his sponsors and try to ruin them, as well…and of course, attack and hack his online television program?

Of course, They try to run every conservative off the airways, and we must always be thankful for Rush’s life in leading the way. And now we have a few that are continuing the fight against Left/Progressive/Communist/Fascist cancers that are almost at their endgame goal. Tucker and Beck are hated the most. They represent the solid core of Conservatism and probably have the most “followers” behind Trump, who is at the head right now…simply because he is.

We, atheists, are among the least. So I will listen to the sentiment and hopefulness of religious believers…and ignore it, but I won’t ignore their strength and will to save America for our future generations, and I will add to it mine.

I will take all help from all Conservatives to MAGA, but I fear that the two remaining years of Biden/Obama rule will be four years too much to bring us back in any sort of timely manner in which we avoid hard and bad times, so we have been preparing and prepared some more, and I hope that others are, as well.

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All of these figures (Rush, Beck, Tucker, Bannon, etc, and especially Trump) are to our time what the Founding Fathers were to theirs.
And the present time is even more perilous.

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Yes, it is, Liz. I worry over those, who are blithely unaware of how perilous is the current time for America, for the West, for the rest of the world that might still think America can’t fall… and may still save the day.

The populace has been kept purposely unaware, and purposely offered shiny objects that the Left, and its propaganda arm, dangle before them.

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By “shiny objects” do you mean reparations? Rent control? Student debt forgiveness?

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Yes, and…Russia, Russia, Russia. Impeachment. This trial. Jan 6 trials. Climate change. Train disasters. War. Spy balloons. Killings and resulting protests.

Whatever they can get the populace to focus upon instead of what the “other hand” is doing.

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What do you think is their ultimate aim? Power, yes. But to effect what?

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Power, control, compliance with the WEF…all of that goes into what they have planned for decades, which is the destruction of America as a world power and leader…and the destruction of Western Civilization.

Don’t you reason that, as well?

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But why, why, why?

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Because…They seek a global oligarchy under a Communist/Fascist blend of government. They are Progressives. They are the Fabian Society. They are Socialists. They are Eugenicists. They are The Elite. They are always right and know best and they Believe in what They are doing. We know nothing. We are bigoted and racist. We are a danger to the world They desire. We are a detriment to Their desire. We are fit only to slave towards Their desire and we are dispensable Deplorables, who only waste food and goods, which should go to Them in Their world that will be perfectly what They desire.

Isn’t that Why enough? Do you think this is why? Does it seem that this might be why?

I don’t think all of Them know this about Their Progressive Agenda, but the ones, who drive this agenda know this and Believe this, and understand that this is Their Duty to humanity and the planet they worship…or pretend to worship. No person with such a desire could worship anything other than themselves.

Or all the above is a nightmare, and I am off my rocker. It must be one or the other. What do you think?

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I think they are envious, nasty, spiteful, ignorant and stupid.


That too, but…Jillian, they are not all stupid and ignorant. They have planned this well and they have known how to do it to us, what buttons to push and how to play the whole world, including the USA…because They ARE the players in this game. We allowed them to be, and those we thought were on our side…are not on our side.

The ones that are on our side, America’s side, are struggling to fight this, as we must struggle to support them. Two years to hang on and hope that more will join them.

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The minority among them who are not stupid are extra nasty.


Yes, yes, they are. I think the more then understand what it is they are doing, the nastier they are. Or…the other way around, I think would be a better wording.