Their Vision of the World's Future - Communist or Islamic?

From the linked article (but please read it all):

At the "People’s Conference for Palestine” held in Detroit, the People’s Forum’s executive director Manolo De Los Santos – to great applause – called for the complete destruction of the United States.

The People’s Forum closely coordinates with other radical and revolutionary organizations such as Answer Coalition – whose director Brian Becker gave a class at the summer school – which was behind a violent demonstration in Washington, D.C. in July, during which rioters burned American flags, defaced the Columbus monument, and assaulted U.S. Park Police officers.

Pro-Palestinian protesters are backed by Biden’s biggest donors, including some of the biggest names in Democratic circles: Soros, Rockefeller and Pritzker…

The Biden-Harris administration itself, and therefore taxpayer money, is also funding the protests, through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

No wonder that the Biden-Harris administration and the politicized agencies of US intelligence are trying to cover the whole thing up by pretending that most protests, in the words of John Kirby, are “organic” and in "good faith”. They are not. They are used by a multitude of actors seeking the overthrow of the United States – and by extension the West, to galvanize new cohorts of student revolutionaries to destroy the US. Nothing less. And they are making no secret about it. They are blaring it all out on social media, while US officials shamefully use disinformation to confuse the American public.

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It’s sickening. Our own government is using our money - that should be funding the arrest and imprisonment of these people as terrorists - to fund them as they are given free rein to terrorize.
It’s not by accident, incompetence, or misguided leftist “good intentions” - our government is now controlled by traitors, and these “protesters” are their paid employees, just like the media.

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