The West Surrenders to Islam

Bruce Bawer writes:
Cowards in positions of responsibility all over the Western world are deciding that appeasement [of advancing Islam] is preferable to resistance, accommodation better than struggle, cowering slavery more desirable than precarious freedom. I submit that they’re insanely, calamitously, tragically wrong, and that the pusillanimous course they’ve chosen is only helping to hasten the conquerors’ already rapid advance and to bring about the utter collapse of liberal Western society.

Read it all here:

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Yes, it will bring about the utter collapse of the West, and since it’s being done in concert with a thousand other purposely destructive policies forced on us by the world’s self-appointed dictators, the collapse will come sooner than Islam’s cowardly appeasers imagine.

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In a typical display of his capacity to do the wrong thing, “President” Biden, being anxious to propitiate howling mobs of genocidal Muslims and their pro-Hamas allies in the US, had huge food-aid containers dropped from aircraft on to Gaza. Some of them fell on people and killed them.

Its a perfect vignette to illustrate the harm do-gooders actually do.

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Yes, it was a very good illustration of that!

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