The West at Sunset

A multitude of enlightened Europeans cultivated reason, and built a culture that was innovative, prosperous, powerful, and humane.
Their descendants long to destroy it.
Rebels from and against the prosperous educated classes – scholars, philosophers, politicians – have been teaching generations to intoxicate themselves with fantasies of destruction, spoliation, and atrocity that can and do inspire real events of horror, suffering, and death. Now the destroyers have triumphed. Their dark vision prevails.
In its degeneracy, the West has become libertine and lewd, obsessed with sex. Sexual intercourse is no longer venerated as the vital activity for the continued existence of the family, the tribe, the nation, the culture, the race. That purpose has been stripped away from it. Now all sexual activity is for fun only. Sterility is required. If a child is conceived, it is best aborted. Abortion has become a venerated rite. Children who do get born are groomed to gratify the sexual desires of adults. They are taught pornography and are sexually mutilated and sterilized. Sexual perversion is celebrated in street carnivals called “Pride”. Uncovered genitals are publicly displayed. Homosexuals “marry” each other. Marriage between a man and a woman is unpopular and preferably barren.
The white race is dying out. Intent on obliterating its past and not caring for the future, it is giving way to migrating hordes of aliens.

Edited Quote:
The Western world has provided more wealth and convenience to more citizens than any other civilization in history. We are practically inundated with resources, but we are running out of people, the only truly indispensable resource.
In the next four minutes 1,000 children will be born: 172 in India, 103 in China, 57 in Nigeria, 47 in Pakistan — but in all of Europe, only 52.
Other civilizations are also dying. But some populations are increasing enormously:
In the north-central African Sahel region, the population is expected to reach 330 million, seven times its population of 2000. Egypt will reach 190 million. Algeria will go from the current 42 to 72 million (most of whom will likely head for Europe). Morocco will grow from 36 million to 43 million.
So, the “old Europe” will find itself facing a North Africa of 318 million inhabitants, not counting those residing beneath the immense sub-Saharan plateau.
Islam will have a unique opportunity to fulfill its dream of a caliphate by creating an unbroken chain of Muslim entities from Pakistan and Afghanistan to the North Caucasus and the Volga.
Nigeria will have more inhabitants than Europe and the United States.

The loss of European culture is the worst, the most tragic loss for the entire human race.


“The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which sets medical standards for transgender-related procedures, recognized eunuchs as a gender identity group in its newest guidelines, recommending castration as a treatment option.”

There really is such a thing as The World Professional Association for Transgender Health? Good grief!
But yes, it figures.


I understand that the past of Western Civ. has been white-skinned people thriving and moving. But…the white race is no longer all of Western Civ. I suspect many black-skinned conservative-minded people considered themselves part of the West. Civ, in the present and future (hopefully it has one). I suspect there a several shades of darker-than-white-skinned people, who also consider their philosophy to be of the West. Civ. present and future.

I am not so terribly upset that white-skinned babies are declining, but that babies of intelligent conservative people are declining…and that babies are born to those trapped by geography and history, whose lives are often bleak and not touched by the philosophies of Western Civ.

I have always been ready to accept a neutral (of sorts)race of future humans, but not a race of international slaves of any color. That is what we are losing to the oligarchial fascist elites and their global corporations.


Yes, its a tragic loss, all the more tragic because it was completely preventable - all that was needed was to recognize our enemy’s tactics and neutralize them at the beginning, before they gained strength.
Now it’s doubtful that we can pull out of the downward spiral they have set civilization on.


Isn’t this what used to be called “asexual” or is that too mild a term for this desire for self mutilation?

I had no idea that medical professionals would ever consider turning men into Ken dolls, which have no sexual organs. Or at least then haven’t yet, I think.

What happens when all a person’s hormone-making organs are removed?

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There were a few scholarly Christian monks in Western Europe who preserved, and a fair number of Greek-speaking Christians and Jews in the Islamic caliphates who translated a remnant of classical literature so eventually making the Renaissance and Enlightenment possible. There may well be persons of various ethnicities who will respect and preserve what they can of European culture when the Europeans themselves, wherever they are established in the world, no longer have sufficient of a critical mass in the right sort of conducive circumstances (above all freedom) to give rise, as a race and a culture, to new inventors, creators, artists and craftsmen, discoverers, improvers, developers, explorers, thinkers, as happened for some centuries from the Quattrocento to the early 21st. century. As the extract quoted in the post demonstrates (more fully under the same title on our website), the white race is dying out and other races - a majority of them Muslim - are increasing and spreading. Many of the products and skills of European Man may be lost (viticulture, for instance, and portrait painting and sculpting, which are forbidden by Islam), some perhaps never to be revived. It remains to be seen, long past our time, what future civilizations will achieve - if the human race survives.


That’s the base of Western Civ. and the centuries of West. Civ dominance, which was what is referred to as the white race. I think those, whom support West. Civ. are no longer entirely white-skinned, but “believe” in the positive history of West. Civ. So, it is those people, not necessarily only the white race that is in danger of decline…to my mind, anyway.

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