The United States Is No Longer a Democracy

“In fairness, it is true that modern America no longer meets a threshold definition of “democracy.” But the Left is wrong as to why. America in the year 2022 is not a nation bedeviled by a great scourge of right-wing political violence, but it is a nation bedeviled by a monolithic and intellectually homogenous oligarchy that seeks to subjugate dissenting ‘deplorables’ by any means necessary.”

Consider some examples:


Yes, it’s hard for it to sink in, but we are no longer a democracy or a republic. That has been destroyed and replaced with a fascist dictatorship.
It sounds insane to even say that, but it’s the truth.
All you have to do is observe what the Democrats have been doing for decades, and now, to corrupt, undermine, and sabotage the rule of law.