The Treason of the Scientists

Why did so many scientists who knew and said (with decent suggestions of conceivable error) that the Covid virus came from a lab in China, suddenly deny it?

“Leading virologists changed their minds and became deniers rather than believers in even the remote possibility of a lab leak, all in just a few days in February 2020. No new data, no new arguments. But they do very clearly reveal a blatant political reason for the volte-face. Speculating about a lab leak, said Ron Fouchier, a Dutch researcher, might ‘do unnecessary harm to science in general and science in China in particular’. Francis Collins was pithier, worrying about ‘doing great potential harm to science and international harmony’. Contradicting Donald Trump, protecting science’s reputation at all costs and keeping in with those who dole out large grants are pretty strong incentives to change one’s mind.”


Yes, I think the “doling out of large grants” has alot to do with it. Like the hospitals - they get paid for every patient identified as a Covid case, every ventilator, and every Covid death.
Explains alot.