The Treason of the Biden Regime


Current reports suggest that the Houthis, an Iranian Shiite terror group, is negotiating to provide weapons to Yemen’s Al-Shabaab, a Sunni Jihadist group allied with Al Qaeda, to expand Iran’s control over shipping. While Al-Shabaab has operated using the conventional Al Qaeda playbook of rifles and IEDs, the Houthis can offer upgraded drones and missile technology.

And best of all the Houthis can claim that the weapons were battle tested on the US Navy.

When the Houthis began their naval blockade, the Biden administration had the opportunity to shut it down. Instead, a US Navy carrier group has been tied up for months with no results. …

The only reason the war keeps dragging on is that Biden has restricted the US Navy to responding to incoming attacks and only the occasional light bombing raids against the sources of the attacks.

The Houthis, whose motto, like that of their Iranian backers, includes, “Death to America”, have been able to claim that they held off the world’s greatest military for half a year, while imposing control over regional shipping and international trade

And now Iran is moving into Somalia.

One of the side-effects of Biden’s refusal to go on the offensive against the Houthis was that the Somali pirates, who had been lying low during the Trump administration, decided to make a comeback. …

Some of the credit for this ought to go to Rep. Ilhan Omar who spent her time in Congress spreading the lie that attacks on the Houthis had caused a famine in Yemen.

Rep. Omar, a Somali nationalist with ties to the current regime, has also been a vocal critic of U.S. air strikes on the Al-Shabaab rebels fighting the government. …

The Biden administration has allowed Iran to expand its terror territories and that’s not just bad news for Israel, it’s also bad news for America and for the world.

Read it all here:

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Ilhan Omar being a member of Congress is a disgrace to the nation. Sadly, though, she’s just one of many such disgraces. And as we’ve seen, there are more like her in all the government agencies.
All part of the Obama/Biden/Soros agenda.

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