The Traitor American President and the Implacable Mullahs of Iran

Obama’s policy of assisting Iran - the mullahs’ Iran which calls for the “death of America” - to become a nuclear power was reversed efficiently by Trump, but renewed by the “Biden” administration (aka Obama’s third term).

The puzzling and deeply disturbing story is told here:

The “complexity” of which the author speaks, the puzzle as to why Obama-Biden chose to be the benefactor and protector of the mullahs’ regime, is rendered simple and solved as soon as the astonishing and appalling fact is accepted that Obama wants Iran to become the major Islamic power in the world, to destroy Israel with nuclear bombs, and in reality to bring death to America.

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Yes, and if his plan succeeds, I can see Obama accepting the role he really wants - the next Iranian dictator.

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I hadn’t thought of that! But yes, it could be in Obama’s mind. A step towards “President of the World”.

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