The Real DomesticTerrorists

Prominent leaders of a Black Lives Matter group in New York City promised violence if Mayor-elect Eric Adams brought back the city’s anti-crime units.
“If he thinks that they’re going to go back to the old ways of policing, then we are going to take to the streets again,” Hawk Newsome, who co-founded Black Lives Matter of Greater New York, told the New York Daily News. “There will be riots, there will be fire and there will be bloodshed because we believe in defending our people,” Newsome promised.
The anti-crime unit was a division of the New York Police Department that used plainclothes officers to investigate and respond to violent crime.
The unit was shut down in June 2020 following the killing of (that low disgusting crook) George Floyd in Minneapolis.

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Yes, we’ve sunk so low, that all a belligerent bunch of thugs has to do is rant about burning and rioting to “defend our people” (bullshit), and they’ll get their way. Mob rule.

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