The Question

The Constitution is discarded, the rule of law abandoned, the nation-state abhorred, national borders removed, the people disarmed, the family destroyed, the past obliterated, the language befouled and diminished – so what remains to hold the United States of America together?

Please answer if you can. Argument, denial, confirmation, analysis - all are needed. There is no objection to anger. Or even to soothing messages of sweetness and light.


This is good. A flash of light in the gathering darkness.


As I just answered over at TAC, what remains is people who value those things, and are willing to do whatever it takes to make sure the left is defeated and all of those things are restored.
The Dissident Project is a wonderful step in that direction - it’s something that should have been happening in every school for the last 100 years already.


The rest of us…

It is only “We, The People” who can hold America together. Please remember, Jillian, that there are a whole bunch more of us than there are of them. And nearly all of us are armed.

Even the ones that we might not like, might disagree with on many subjects, may at the same time agree whole-heartedly with us about the importance and the sanctity of our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our imperfect history, our American language, our right to defend our borders, our sense of family, our better-than-any-other form of government and markets (free or hampered) and our justice system that bears monitoring, our flag, our oath, our Founders, and the good that comes from America and goes to the rest of the world. They may agree with us that Western Civilization is worth holding onto and that America is the best Hope the world has to do so.

If I am angry is has been due to the apathy of “The People” but we were warned of that as soon as the thing was signed. It is the way of humans. If I am sweet, it does not alter that I carry a Glock 17, 9mm about the farm, know how to use it and will. If I am light, it is because I will never give up hope. I wouldn’t know how to live if I gave up hope and the expectation of the light at the end of the tunnel.


Yes, I have heard of this. Wonderful project. The Progressives want us to forget, so they have stopped the teaching of history before the Vietnam War and twisted what came after. Doesn’t mean that parents can’t pick up the job.

Did you read that states are losing tens of thousands of public school children to Charter, Private and Home schools?


I did read that. Will such a movement dissuade the teacher unions and the Democrats’ Department of Education from indoctrinating those children still left in the public schools with the race and gender nonsense that parents oppose?


This discussion continues under the heading “The great unsinkable ship, Titanic America, has hit an iceberg”.


We are trying to stand on shifting sands. Trying to keep our balance in an earthquake. The landscape is changing and will never be the same again.


Keep in mind that the landscape, along with the climate, is always changing. The Constitution remains the same. It is the Constitution that keeps America. It is the people of whom it refers that must keep the Constitution.


The election process as ordained by the Constitution has been corrupted by the Democratic Party.

The First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Fourteenth, and Twenty-Fifth Amendments have all been challenged or even in some cases defied by the Democrats in power in the legislative and executive branches of government. Laws protecting the officers of the judicial branch - the justices of the supreme court - are being ignored. So how is the Constitution “keeping America”?

Equality under the law has been blatantly and unapologetically abandoned. That is what the Constitution was designed to protect. So I ask again, how is the Constitution “keeping America”?

And how are “the people” keeping the Constitution?


Jeanne: I have read your answer to these questions under the “Titanic America” heading.

I will repeat my questions there.


People are trying to keep it, but the problem is, we play by the rules, while they undermine, subvert and break the rules. They weaponize the rules and use them against us.
You can’t win a game when your opponent cheats.
I guess this is a case of “Catch 22”.


Right. There precisely is the cause of the failure of the American experiment.


If we refer to the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Bill of Rights as an experiment, then we have to give the experiment the opportunity to fail. And, what do we do when we believe an experiment has failed? We try it again, but make an incremental alteration.

As an experiment, America has been an overall success, so the initial hypothesis is still a good one. It caused, unity, economic growth, invented and innovated, survived wars and attacks, and economic downturns. When nations mimicked our system, they raised their economies and their citizens prospered. Despite the Founders’s attempt to make it full-proof, no one can account for human frailty, and so gradually, very gradually so that we barely noticed, human frailty worked against the experiment.

What should we try next? I say attack human frailty with human determinism to try again and make the America experiment work another couple hundred years, maybe longer if we can learn from our mistakes.

If we believe that America has done more good, than evil…and around the world, at that. Then it hasn’t been a failure. Can humans despite their frailty govern themselves or do they require a King or a Dictator to rule with an iron fist?


Could you suggest the incremental alteration to be made?


Yes, I think it’s a testament to the greatness of the Founding Fathers that the “experiment” they founded was able to flourish for over 200 years before corruption, and subversion by enemies within, have finally saturated it almost completely.


Educational changes that would bring back US History, Civics, Problems of Democracy, Great Books Programs, World History from the beginning, Western Civilization.

Congressional changes that would rescind the 17th Amendment to once again have Senators appointed by their state’s governor for a term limited office.

Welfare altered to return to a required job search/employment.

Possibly an income tax alteration.

Election regulations that make voting easier and less likely to promote fraud for all states.

Laws made and passed in Congress instead of regulations created by an appointed committee.

Secure borders.

Start with the first and work our way through them until our supreme law of the land is tidied up. It is all common sense stuff. :slight_smile:


There is the key word, Liz…“almost” but not all and not yet. Hope, you know. :slight_smile:


All very sensible. An excellent list.

Who do you think is likely to carry out such a program?


That would be the Republicans that want to keep our vote.