The Queering of America

Conservatives must find the will to reject the queering of America. They need to reassert what was once obvious—that the biological, married family is the best environment for raising children and that to be heterosexual is not merely an inferior option in life for those who just can’t for some reason join up with the alphabet brigade. They have to reassert the legitimacy of bourgeois norms and insist that children deserve to have their innocence regarding sex preserved for as long as possible. At some point, it may be necessary to re-moralize sex.
Ultimately, the trans revolution is part of the West’s will to suicide, seen in everything from its immigration policies to its fierce denunciations of its civilizational legacy. What, exactly, are we celebrating with gay pride marches if not the rejection of the traditional two-parent married family in favor of nonprocreative, sometimes grotesquely promiscuous sex? [Legal] equality for homosexuals has long since been achieved. Now the trans revolution is trying to render as many young people as possible infertile, or at least averse to traditional marriage and procreation. The rejection of the trans default is a battle for cultural survival.


From the same source as the post above:

Sex is not “assigned” at birth, as Associated Press news reporters are now instructed to say; it is determined at the moment a zygote is formed from its parents’ gametes. A newborn’s sexual organs, constitutive of being male or female whether or not an obstetrician observes them, mean that a male will never be able to gestate a baby, however much doctors may subsequently try to carve out and keep open a pseudo-vagina, and that a female will never be able to impregnate another female (much less a male), despite wearing a dildo or having a nonfunctioning simulacra of a penis grafted onto her vaginal area.
The rare genetic misfirings that result in hermaphroditism do not undermine the mutually exclusive and binary nature of sexual identity, just as the fact that a child may be born blind does not undermine the fact that vision is a human attribute.
A drag queen’s understanding of what it means to be female activates what in any other context would be viewed as demeaning, patriarchal notions of female-ness—emotional, blowzy, loud, and pumped up to sex toy proportions by push-up bras, silicone implants, butt padding, fake eyelashes, glitter eye shadow, lip injections and gloss, rapier fingernails, low-cut dresses, high-reaching skirt slits, sequins, feather boas, and stiletto heels.

Comment: Why can’t all women see that they are being mocked by the drag queens? Femininity as such is being mocked.

Feminists asked for it, I concede. Decades of disparaging men called for revenge. But rendering thousands of children infertile is a vengeance too far. Not all women disparaged men.

Why is the West in a mood to destroy itself?


I’d argue that it’s not the West that is bent on destroying itself - it is the West’s enemy, Marxists (and the globalists who fund them) who are bent on destroying us, in order to assert totalitarian control.
They’ve already gained so much power, by infiltrating the banks, corporations, and governments (“Ve have penetrated ze cabinets”) that we seem to be doing it willingly to ourselves.
In reality, they are doing it, and we are simply powerless to stop them from weaponizing our own system against us.


100% We had to have known that the pendulum would swing back the other way. Feminism was never about equality. It was always about revenge.


That was such an excellent article by Macdonald - very much worth revisiting.
She gives great insight into how the Left uses the insidious tactic, in their war on our culture, to “set the default”, which places the Right in the position of fighting a “rearguard action”.
By accepting the absurd premises that the left arbitrarily assert, we lose the battle before it even begins.