The Once and Future President: Trump the Great

I don’t agree with everything in this article, but I like this bit:

Trump is today, quite simply, the dominant and defining political figure in the world. Full stop. … It is hard to see how he can be stopped. Like Patton in that great scene in the movie, he must be allowed to fulfill his destiny.


I don’t think the polling is accurate - it, as always, is used as a tool to sway public opinion. It makes Biden look more popular than he is.
And preferring another candidate over Trump just because they can do 2 terms is stupid, because none of them can beat him anyway.
Or that Trump should be “forward looking” and say he’ll fix the elections in '24 - by then it’s too late, because they’re already rigged!
As I say (like a broken record) - unless the election fraud is fixed before '24, it’s all pointless anyway.


“If the election is decided on assessments of Trump’s character, he loses.” But the people of MAGA understand that he’s a hero, whatever other minor flaws he may have as a man and as a candidate. And most people who assess his character for ill have been brainwashed by the media exposing only his downside and inventing other calumnies - mostly the latter. As far as Trump being behind in every poll in 2020 (is that true?), he won the real election anyway, absent the election theft. The democrats know that in a fair contest, he wins. So they have to persecute him as they’re doing now, and then steal as much as they can in 2024.


I totally agree. Of course. Where is this marvelous poster displayed? New York?

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All true.
Is there any hope that the GOP under its present feeble leadership (not including Trump himself) will do something as urgently necessary as fixing the election fraud?
I fear not.

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I doubt they will. The GOP leadership and big donors are all anti-Trump Rino, controlled opposition, bought off globalists.

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I don’t know where or even if it’s displayed anywhere. I assumed it was just fabricated. I found it on the same Twitter account where I found the Rachel and Hillary scene, which is @PapiTrumpo aka il Donaldo Trumpo, a staunch Trump Supporter with interesting content there.

That dialog may have been contrived with the aid of Artificial Intelligence, which PapiTrumpo takes an interest in. It sure sounds like real Rachel and Hillary voices and speech patterns.