Biden ensured the five senior members of the Taliban, whom Barack Hussein Obama released from GITMO, were restored to power.
Joe Biden is not being held accountable for allowing hundreds of thousands of single military-age males to invade our Nation.
We are told there are some 1.5M to 2M illegal immigrants “gotaways”. These numbers are staggering and exceed the current active duty strengths of our Army and Marine Corps. This is because Biden’s failures and disrespect of our military along with his DEI and gender dysphoria focus have depleted our ranks. However, never fear, US Senator Dick Durbin says we can enlist illegal immigrant males into our armed forces.
If there was ever a good description of a modern-day traitor, it is Joe Biden. Biden took an oath to uphold our laws. He is not.
And we are supposed to reelect a traitor?
Anyone who concurs with this open-borders policy is also guilty of treason.
Joe Biden has turned fortress America over to our enemies, and Americans are dying.