“Whatever else is true, both the CIA/media disinformation campaign in the weeks before the 2020 election and the resulting regime of brute censorship imposed by Big Tech are of historic significance. Democrats and their new allies in the establishment wing of the Republican Party may be more excited by war in Ukraine than the subversion of their own election by the unholy trinity of the intelligence community, the corporate press, and Big Tech. But today’s admission by The New York Times that this archive and the emails in it were real all along proves that a gigantic fraud was perpetrated by the country’s most powerful institutions. What matters far more than the interest level of various partisan factions is the core truths about U.S. democracy revealed by this tawdry spectacle.”
Yes, “a gigantic fraud was perpetrated by the country’s most powerful institutions”.
If the NYT, one of the biggest of the “perps”, is admitting it lied about that, why should anyone believe they weren’t also lying about Covid and the vaccines, Trump and “Russiagate”, the election…
They and the entire media, government, and its crony corporations have finally, due to their long history of abusing the trust of the people, lost their last shred of credibility.
I agree with Steve Bannon that Hillary Clinton is worse than her husband, because she’s the brains out of the 2 of them, I like to compare her to Lady Macbeth.
Yes, and isn’t that a scary thought? More brains, but a totally twisted, egomaniacal mind.
And that will recieve the same response as the calls for investigation of election fraud - a stone wall…
This article from Revolver.news:
“Besides the sheer perfidy of the security state and the media, there is an important lesson to be learned here. In the past, the globalist political establishment used terms like “racist” and “white supremacist” as their most powerful levers for shutting down and deplatforming opposition. But since the 2016 election, the “Russian disinformation” label has slowly supplanted “Nazi” accusations, and the like, to become the elite’s favorite censorship predicate du jour. Accusations of “Russian disinformation are quite useful to nullify any figures and narratives that dare to oppose the Deep Security State.”
“Russian disinformation” is a different, and more powerful, crimestop term of art in comparison with worn-out and discredited labels like “racist”, “sexist”, “xenophobe”, and the like. That’s because this accusation magically turns political speech the ruling class doesn’t like into a national security issue. And once something is cloaked in the language of “national security,” the discussion is over. There can be no debate, and “national security” requires immediate and sweeping action.”
Highly ironic, that using the label “Russian disinformation” to censor people by implying a threat to National Security, is being done by a regime which has done the worst job at maintaining National Security in our history.
We are weaker in every way and more at risk of attack from our enemies than we ever have been, not because of the Russians, but because of of the traitors running our government.