The Lion President

:diamonds:President Trump’s foreign policy approach brought North and South Korea together away from the table of conflict. :diamonds:President Trump’s foreign policy approach brought Serbia and Kosovo together away from the table of conflict. :diamonds:President Trump’s foreign policy rallied the Gulf Cooperation Council to stop Qatar’s support for Islamic extremists via the Muslim Brotherhood. :diamonds:President Trump’s foreign policy brought Turkey and the Kurdish forces together away from war and conflict. :diamonds:President Trump’s foreign policy created a ceasefire to stop the bloodshed in Syria. President Trump mediated a cessation of hostilities between India & Pakistan in the Kashmir region. :diamonds:President Trump’s foreign policy brought Israel and the UAE together… and then Bahrain… and then Sudan in the Abraham Accords.

Read the whole article here:

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“President Trump executes a clear foreign policy… where national security is achieved by leveraging U.S. economic power.”
Yes - in other words, “peace through strength”.
Not just military strength, but economic strength.
It’s not so much a “unique” approach, as just plain common sense. Which, combined with his genuine love for his country, is Trump’s great strength.

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