The Left's Campaign of Child Abuse

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to replace the current Westphalian system of independent sovereign nations with one world planetary governance. One world government, often referred to as the Great Reset and the New World Order, is a totalitarian managerial state that breaches every conceivable boundary. The singularity imagined by globalist technocrats fuses humanity into one nation, one race, one language, one culture, one religion, one digital currency, one educational curriculum, and one gender.
Children are born completely powerless. The primary responsibility of parents is to protect the child and ensure his survival. In the 21st century, parents must protect their children from the grasping managers of the globalist managerial state. Globalism’s war on the nation state is a war on children because children are the foundation and future of every society on earth.
Globalism’s asymmetric war on children is psychological warfare and an information war that seeks to replace parental authority with the authority of the state. The strategic objective is to turn children into global citizens conditioned for life in the totalitarian, planetary managerial state.
Our nation’s children are drowning in a sea of anti-American, anti-family, anti-individualism, anti-science propaganda. They are being indoctrinated in pro-globalist, pro-state dependence, pro-collectivism, pro-consensus “science’ indoctrination. Our nation’s children are being groomed to become compliant, submissive wards of the managerial state, where they will have no individual rights, no freedoms, and no personal or sexual identity. They will be fodder for technocracy and transhumanism.
Parents must recognize the globalist scheme and rescue their children.


Not only are they being groomed to become wards of the State, but also to become enemies of those who are now fighting that State on their behalf.
If we continue on this path, in 10 years these “wards” will be throwing us in prison for “domestic terrorism”, just as is already happening.