The Left Is Now a Black Supremacist Movement

Physician’s assistant Sarah Comrie, coming off of a twelve hour shift in Bellevue Hospital’s neonatal ward, never approached a group of five black teenagers, all of them males, and tried to steal a bike they’d rented. In fact, during the 90-second viral video clip, the men can be seen and heard hectoring her, taunting her, cursing at her, putting hands on her several times, and intentionally creating a “Karen” narrative. [In fact she had rented the bike, later produced receipts to prove it. They were trying to steal it from her.]
These “meta-narratives” — that society is constructed around an oppressive and omnipresent discourse called whiteness or “white supremacy", and that the only way to combat that scourge is to engage in present and future racism while achieving permanent race consciousness, as determined by Marxist theorists, on the way toward “equity” — have entered the mainstream of public commentary and spread into our national bloodstream like the mind viruses they are.
The entire Cultural Marxist project, as run through the praxis of “Social Justice” pedagogy and activism, is an attack on what its critics claim is permanent White European culture that has been imposed on them, and from whose yoke they must escape. But of course, escape is impossible, because racism is permanent and whiteness is the dominant and self-maintaining discourse, so all that there remains to do is tear everything down and vilify whiteness.
This whole project is anti-white at its core.
You cannot argue in good faith with contemporary leftist theory and the zealots and activists who promote it. Instead, you must savagely kill it, tear it out by its roots, then salt the earth where it stood.
The way to do this is with brutal honesty and an uncompromising refusal to bend the knee to its demands, no matter where or when they arise. This honesty can win back those who still have some remaining commitment to the Enlightenment ideals upon which this nation was founded.
Only whites can be and are racist, the argument goes; and this is true whether or not whites are overtly discriminatory — and even if the White Supremacist society they maintain as a function of existing has consistently enacted laws meant to ensure equality, or spent trillions on programs meant to ameliorate racial discord and material disparities. Those things [the black racists and their white collaborators in the media say] are just the white man’s attempt to let himself off the hook for his “implicit biases” and permanent oppressive posture.
To which I say this: Bullshit.
Because what this is — and all this is — is a black racist using neo-Marxist Theory to tear down the dominant culture and assert his own power and privilege, relying on the fears of some whites — and the guilt of other, weaker whites — to grab that foothold, and the “privilege” that comes with it.
Like Nick Sandmann, I want to see Sarah Comrie made insanely rich [by suing all those who falsely accused her of stealing the bike] as the result of what she’s been put through by both legacy media and the constellation of racialist dwarf planets that make up the left’s ancillary online universe. The race grifters and those who glide along in their wake must be shown once and for all that there is recourse in law to their odious attacks — and that such recourse leads to hurt. Bad, bad, hurt.
Laying financial and professional waste to every last one of these communist race-baiters is a much needed first step to restoring a functioning civil society.
Call them what they are: racists. Don’t apologize. Don’t ever apologize for your skin color. Because of all the things about you, it’s likely the least important if you aren’t a race Marxist to begin with.

Please read it all here:

But would suing the bastards ensure justice being done?
Someone calling himself NickD commented cogently:
“There was a time when intelligent and sensible juries could be counted on to right these wrongs using relevant causes of action and admissible evidence. There was also a time when smart judges could be counted on to apply the law fairly and let said erstwhile intelligent and sensible juries do their job.
The sun is setting on that legal system. The legal profession is a leftist sinking ship. The average American juror - on whom we are supposed to rely - is an increasingly sub-literate tool of social media and a blindingly stupid culture, predisposed to buy into every error in thinking and faux bias claim this column properly identifies.
You’ve got to hand it to the leftists. They made sure the legal system rotted from the inside out, invisible to most people. Now it’s all but hollowed out, and growing worse each day, with only the merest pretenses and ersatz forms of a system predicated on the rule of law.”


If you want to exponentially increase racism, you could convene a council of renown idiots, morons, and Klan members and come up with a plan, or you could just do what the Democrats are doing right now. The left has decided that racial hatred gives them an advantage, and we are seeing the results. These are not going to be nice results. This is going to increase interracial strife. This is going to increase racial hate, and then the leftists are going to complain about what they’ve done and blame everyone else. But we don’t have to play their game. We can tell the race pimps to pound sand.
The latest idiocy is the recent Smollettesque fake race hate crisis involving that pregnant nurse in New York accused of stealing a bike that she paid for from five black young men because a lot of women about to give birth steal from a half-dozen guys. The vid went viral with the usual suspects pronouncing her Bull Connor with a fetus, but the objective evidence is in and she didn’t steal anything. And this time the fraud has backfired. Nobody’s buying it, and even better, she’s got aggressive lawyers out to make the scumbags pay. A bunch of people are going to get sued by her. Good. It’s about time there be some pushback on this kind of race-baiting crap.
We don’t need it, and we don’t want it. We are normal people, and normal people have nothing to gain for making their country a place where people hate each other because of the color of their skin. But make no mistake – there are leftist politicians and cultural parasites who have a lot to gain from doing just that. Sure, it is short-sighted and stupid and it is destroying the greatest experiment in and racial harmony in human history, but they don’t care because they think they’re going to get a slight short-term advantage ginning up these lies.
But what they’re likely to get if we don’t put a stop to it is massively increased racial antipathy, and a country where people generally dislike each other on the basis of race. That’s not what normal people want.
When somebody tells you that it’s OK to hate somebody else because of the color of their skin, reject that too. Don’t do it. Don’t accept it. Instead, hold everyone to the highest standards, the same standards. Refuse to change expectations based on the homeland of someone’s great-great-grandpa. The way to end actual racism is to end it. It is not to increase it or enhance it or explain it or justify it or attempt to redefine it into something politically useful for the communists. Refuse to participate in their racial psychodramas. The conservative position must be the position it has always been. We don’t care where your grandfather came from. We only care what you do.


It’s a poisonous, vicious cycle. The left injects the poison - in this case, the accusation of racism - into the system, which then begins to destroy itself.
Since they’ve already succeeded in making most blacks sub-literate, its easy to turn them into Useful Idiots for the Marxist cause.