“What kind of country are we living in where the Walt Disney Co., a company built on the idea of preserving the innocence of children and teaching them lessons about honesty, hard work, and true love, is now openly bragging about feeding the little kids sexual propaganda?
Of course, this is grooming.
What else would you call it?
What is the rationale for telling innocent little boys that they might be girls or gay or bisexual? What other rationale could there be for that other than to destroy their innocence, to turn them into sexual creatures, and warp their sexuality into something that can later be exploited?
Behind the backs of parents!
The left is desperate to groom your kids, to sexualize them behind your back.
Well, a whole lot of leftists want to have sex with your kids, and want to normalize sex between kids and adults. The evidence of that is everywhere. Democrats know opening the southern border will mean the import of child sex slaves. And yet, Democrats still open the border. Democrats continue to release child predators and suspected predators. We’re about to be saddled with a Supreme Court Justice who shrugs at child porn. More than one left-wing publication has asked us to better understand and sympathize with child molesters. The left embraced Jeffrey Epstein for decades. The left-wing Lincoln Project shielded a suspected predator.
The other reason for the grooming is political.
Democrats are losing key parts of their coalition: the working class, Hispanics, and chunks of the black population. One way they see of making up those numbers is to create a lot of damaged and broken young people obsessed with their sexuality. It’s just a fact that neurotic, unhappy lunatics and narcissists who define themselves by what they do with their sex organs vote Democrat. So… Democrats want to damage your kids to create a whole lot more of them.
There is nothing healthy about exposing prepubescent kids to sexuality. And doing it behind the backs of parents is outright demonic.
The left does not care about kids. To serve their political ends, the left is willing to butcher babies even as they exit the birth canal. The left’s only morality is what achieves their goals, and if that means turning your kids over to perverts and degenerates in the classroom, so be it.
If you want to know how wrong this is, think about this…
Would you discuss any kind of sexuality with your nieces and nephews?
Of course you wouldn’t. The very idea is revolting, and that’s family!
Now imagine how twisted and sick you have to be to want to talk about sex to a classroom of five-year-olds.
These are bad people, evil people, and they are coming for your kids.”
Yes, these are evil people who’s goal is to destroy the country, and that includes destroying our children. Sick, perverted and evil.
Most memorable song from this movie: “One Day My Transgendered Princess Will Come”.
The dreamt-of Transgendered Princess arrives at last in a Prius.
The Polymorphous Perverts’ mine has been closed. They now work at a solar panel factory.
While they are at work, Snow Rainbow studies anti-racism to overcome her whiteness.
Nancy Pelosi stars as the Queen Stepmother Witch. In the movie, she has a Covid booster every day and makes all her slaves wear masks all the time.
Any more details worth mentioning to attract an audience?
“Small polymorphous perverts”! Ha!!
Great summary of the likely plot!
I can picture Fauci, Gates, Soros, Schwab, and other assorted weirdos as dwarves!
It sounds like I’ve inspired a new, updated Fractured Fairy Tale by Mix Jillian Becker, worthy of The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show (not to be confused with the Simon and Garfunkel Show, which hadn’t yet come out of the closet). One suggestion: all references to Princess or Prince should be trans-lated to the newtrally gendered Princex, or possible Prinsex.
Oh, sorry. I left out an x. I should have written Mixx Jillian Becker, since you are female, and have two X chromosomes. I, Mixy Damon M., have one of each type, X and Y. This thought came to me as I happened to be watching the James Bond classic movie, You Only Live Twix, I mean Twice. But you don’t. You’re either XX or XY.
We never hear of anyone transgendering from say “Two-Spirit” to “Questioning”. It’s always from male to female or female to male.
Easy to define what a woman is: an adult human being WITH OVARIES. (And two X chromosomes. Yes.)
Well it looks like we’re about to get a Supreme Court Justice who cant define what a woman is, or a pedophile either, for that matter.
So your definition may soon be censored as “disinformation”…
On Jillian’s point (“We never hear of anyone…”): If one can transgender from male to female or vice versa, then those genders must be real, right? But now a person can transition just by declaration plus a little bit of hormone manipulation – or even perhaps without any hormonal adjustments. Women’s swimming ‘champion’ William “Lia” Thomas still has his genitals, and I’d bet Rachel Levine does too. Saying “I identify as” is the same as saying “I pretend to be”.
We’ve all heard of “Latinx” as a gender-neutral re-spelling (misspelling) of Latino and/or Latina. Is Latinxx the plural? No. In fact, Latinxx is the non-gender-neutral respelling of Latino (male), as Latinxy is a new non-gender-neutral respelling of Latina (female). See how we can turn this foolishness around? Mxy is pronounced “Mister” and Mxx is pronounced either Miss or Miss’rz. Of course, it remains foolishness even after it’s turned around.
Stupidity, childishness, parody rule. Without being any fun. Disastrously, in fact.
But your titles are good fun, Zerothruster! Laughs are more than welcome as the disaster grows worse every day.
Yes, it’s such absurdity that it cancels itself out with its contradictions. What’s the point of the “transition” from one to the other if neither one can even be defined, and you can identify as (or pretend to be) anything you want, which makes everything nothing at all?
And yet, based on this complete lunacy, they are pushing to ruin the physical and mental health of children in a very real and drastic way, without their parent’s knowledge or consent. Its criminal.
Yes, it is monstrously criminal. What sort of people are they? Could they all be idiots and/or insane? Or are they cunning, sane - and demonic? Sadists, torturers, pederasts. And, as such, liked and voted for by nearly half the citizenry of America? Seems impossible, but it is happening.
But this is also happening. Perhaps the example will be followed by other states.
Thats great news about Alabama - every state should pass a bill like this. Of course, the left will fight it all the way to the Supreme Court, where they (quite conveniently) now have a radical leftist, pro- pedophile Judge.