The Left Burns the City of the Angels to the Ground but Saves a Rare Smelt Fish

From the linked article:


I don’t begrudge people making a living, not at all. But the next time one of L.A.'s or California’s politicians starts talking about the latest corporation that makes too much money from “price gouging”, I want you to show them this graph.

How long do you suppose voters will be willing to foot the bill for the overpaid expert class at city hall while also paying for the privilege of spending years to rebuild their homes under the heel of the environmental jackboots at city hall? Not long, I’ll bet.

Empty reservoir. Little or no water in the hydrants. Understaffed fire department. Women in charge of city and fire department. Highest priority of both, DEI. Governor Newsom, innumerate and barely literate, blew up dams and diverts massive quantities of water to the ocean to save a dying species of a tiny fish. Result, apocalypse.

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Another example of what happens when Marxists are allowed to run the show and implement their idiotic and insane “policies”. (Actually they are just purposeful destruction masquerading as policies.)
This disastrous fire is also a perfect illustration of the catastrophe the entire country has been left in by Biden for Trump to clean up.

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The alerts are “not being initiated by human action.”
So what does that mean - they are letting some kind of AI program run their department?
While they spend their time more productively, making sure everyone is complying with their DEI, LGBTQ, climate alarmist agenda, I suppose.
Monitoring and snitching on all haters, homophobes, and bigots, while keeping everyone up-to-date on the latest “micro-aggression” to be offended about takes alot of work!

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And what irony - to save the smelt fish, how many wildlife “ecosystems” were destroyed in the fire?
Not to mention individual animals and humans…
How is it that the same people that are supposedly so concerned about saving the environment have no problem ruining land and killing birds and whales with wind and solar “farms”? And if they can clear land for those, why can’t they do it for fire prevention?
I hear they’re going to cut down an entire forest for a solar farm now. But other than that, they won’t lift a finger to clear dead brush from a forest - it would endanger the ecosystem!!!

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All extremely important points. Thanks, Liz!

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Governor Newsom Orders All Trees To Wear Masks To Prevent Spread Of Wildfires

From: The Babylon Bee

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Yes, that’s the level of his criminal incompetence and negligence. Even Bill Maher said - “we don’t need more lesbians, we need competence!”