In this shallow and unthinking cultural atmosphere, the coronation looked (and many said explicitly that it was) comical, irrelevant, and wasteful of British taxpayer money.
Americans are, in a certain sense by definition, not monarchists, and King Charles is himself insufferably woke. Britain faces deep crises that could conceivably even result in this being the last coronation.
One of their crises is the destruction of British culture by the flooding of it with the Muslims that Charles so “wokely” courts. By the time of the next coronation, they’ll probably be part of a caliphate, paying the dhimmi tax to the Islamic State.
Just read this, which arrived in my email. Interesting observations, which indicate wokeness, abandonment of traditions of faith and culture and supports, climate and Earth as deity, etc.
Make of it what you will. I am still pondering over the weird stuff and the implications. I wonder how the average British citizen of a certain age might consider these…and if it makes them uneasy?
Her hairdresser should have taken the crown into consideration when styling. A smooth look would have avoided the mop-head appearance. Or maybe it is just her… She is a fairly nice looking older woman, but the crown doesn’t seem to be worn, just stuck on her head. Do you know what I mean?
Well, I guess a crown would look “stuck” on anybody, so she couldnt help it!
Naomi’s article is interesting, but it seems to me she’s reading too much into everything.
Like the white dresses - that’s the tradition. Just because they’re not stylish enough (in her opinion) she concludes they must be druidic. Not seeing it.
I’m a republican, but I confess that I have always had a soft spot for the monarchy in Britain. Until now. Camilla is shrewish. Charles is alife long backer of the New World Order and other idiocies. William is no better