Read this article. It contains gems like these:
Economics is as much of a science as the chicken entrails of global warming.
IPCC WGII 6, the latest alphabet soup report that no one reads, directs the blame for the imminent destruction of the planet at “resistance from individuals with conservative political ideologies” and “individualistic worldviews” who oppose “regulation”.
[The Report implies:] Save the world from free speech. Before it’s too late.
[And:] It’s not too late to save the planet from cheap energy and a decent standard of living.
The one thing we know about the IPCC from all its reports on the state of the planet is that it doesn’t know much about Earth.
if the UN really wants to model respect for the land, it should lead the way by demolishing its Manhattan headquarters and returning Turtle Bay back to the turtles.
After failing to convince Americans that the planet will burn unless everyone gives environmental consultants more money to change the weather, the IPCC is convinced that suppressing political dissent will surely convince those individualistic conservatives.
As everyone knows, using your power to silence people wins the argument every time.
Conservative individualism doesn’t threaten the planet, environmental collectivism does.