The Hunger Campaign

The “global warming” myth has given rise to a hunger campaign. We’re to be subjected to the insane policy of abandoning the use of fossil fuels and depending instead on the sun and the breeze to supply all the energy our nation needs, so as to achieve "net zero emissions " of carbon dioxide, the food of green plants, essential to life. To the same end THEY want farms abolished, cultivated lands restored to wilderness (which will turn into desert), and all domestic herds and flocks destroyed. Poverty, hunger, death are the joys of the Woke’s desiring.

Net zero policies have devastated Britain and Germany, and damaged other countries. And yet, the Biden administration and the Democratic Party are determined to bring them to the United States. They have already gone a considerable distance down that road. Why? If you do not actively wish for America’s terminal decline, on what possible basis could such destructive policies be advanced?

Point is, THEY DO actively wish for America’s terminal decline. That’s the Obama Doctrine.

Read the whole article here:

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Of all the suicidally insane scams they have pushed, this is probably the most destructive.
How can such a transparently stupid lie, repeatedly disproven and dangerous to the survival of humanity, continue to be thought useful as a con?
For one thing, as you put it, they prove what fools they are by assuming we are so easily fooled.
It also proves - if there was any doubt - that these Marxists/globalists/elites - whatever they are - are such complete sociopaths that they don’t even care if we’re fooled or not, or if they destroy everything, as long as they achieve complete control.
Megalomania, combined with corruption and stupidity, has created the “perfect storm”.

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