The great unsinkable ship, Titanic America, has hit an iceberg

I saw this in a Facebook post, but I was able to find the original source at a tik tok account called @DefenderOfTheRepublic. I hope it connects with the link I’m posting below… I now see that this is actually a Ben Stein monologue that Defender is reading. That’s why his picture is in the background of her post.

“I never dreamed that I would have to face the prospect of not living in the United States of America. At least not the one I’ve known all my life. I’ve never wished to live anywhere else. This is my home, and I was privileged to be born here. But today I woke up and as I had my morning coffee, I realized that everything is about to change. No matter how I vote, no matter what, I see something evil has invaded our nation, and our lives are never going to be the same. I’ve been confused by the hostility of family and friends. I look at people I’ve known all my life, so hate-filled that they agree with opinions they would never express as their own. I think I may have well entered the Twilight Zone. We’ve become a nation that has lost its collective mind. You can’t justify this insanity. If a guy pretends to be a woman, you’re required to pretend with him. Somehow, it’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America. Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections are good. It was cool for Joe Biden to blackmail the president of Ukraine, but it’s an impeachable offense if Donald Trump inquires about it. Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but eighteen is old enough to vote. People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves. People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees. Immigrant with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated. Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the U.S. must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcome. Five billion dollars for border security is too expensive, but one-point-five trillion for free healthcare is not. If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country, you go to college for free. People who say there’s no such thing as gender are demanding a female president. We see other countries going socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan to us. Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they’re doing right now. Criminals are caught and released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad because it’s a violation of their rights. And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us racists. Nothing makes sense anymore. No values, no morals and no civility. People are dying of a Chinese virus, but it’s racist to refer to it as Chinese even though it began in China. We’re clearly living in an upside-down world where right is wrong and wrong is right, where moral is immoral and immoral is moral… where good is evil and evil is good… where killing murderers is wrong, but killing unborn babies is A-OK. Wake up, America. The great unsinkable ship, Titanic America has hit an iceberg. It’s taking on water, and it’s sinking fast. Speak up.”


A great summation of where we are.
Its like the Titanic, but with the added plot detail that enemies infiltrated the crew, brainwashed half the passengers, and then drove into the iceberg on purpose. We’re in the process of capsizing now, while the Captain and crew re-arrange the deck chairs and blame climate change and racism.


So your answer to “The Question” - posted here - is … nothing is holding the USA together?

DefenderOfTheRepublic is right in everything she says, so what Republic is there left for her - or Ben Stein - to defend?


Has the American experiment - founding a nation on an idea - failed?

Can the nation be restored as originally conceived - which is to say, can the experiment ever be resumed?

(Feelings alone - of regret, nostalgia, patriotism, brotherhood, longing, loyalty to the idea - won’t do it.)


We are trying to stand on shifting sands. Trying to keep our balance in an earthquake. The landscape is changing and will never be the same again.


You think a “red wave” is coming to save us? ’

Even if the Democrats allow a Republican victory in November - which is to say they don’t cheat again which is very unlikely - what will a victorious Republican Party do?

Who are the Republicans intent on restoring liberty, protected borders, energy independence, strong defense, low taxes, prosperity, decent education? Can you name them? Perhaps a dozen names of Representatives and Senators will come to mind. What of the rest? Who will be leading them? McCarthy? McConnell?

Or have you invested your hopes in a Trump second term some years from now? Or in the possibility that more states will follow the example of DeSantis in Florida?

Are these the pieces of the wreckage we are clinging to in the hope they’ll carry us to safety?


IF - and that’s a big IF - we can get our candidates elected, we might have a chance to save the country. But the leftists, already in control, are going to do every crooked thing in their power to steal the next elections. They already managed to get the RINO traitors Raffspenberger and Kemp re-elected in the Georgia primaries through fraud.
No telling what else they will try.
And thats IF we even make it to the elections!
I think they are working overtime to create such disasters that everything will collapse before the election, so that they can declare a “state of emergency” and just take over without elections.


I wrote in “the Question” thread the following paragraph:
Keep in mind that the landscape is always changing. The Constitution remains the same. It is the Constitution that keeps America. It is the people to whom it refers that must keep the Constitution.

Yes, we are in the worst shape we have ever been in, because of national forces buoyed by global forces, which seek to continue Obama’s job (or he still does it) of “managing the decline of America.” These are people that hate America, the Constitution and all of the Bill of Rights excepting the one they think okays abortion as a “women’s health issue” and allows media lies, curbing of religious rights and their Lefty riots.

The American experiment was always “doomed” to failure, because it always required a moral and educated populace to be “The People.” The Founders well knew this; a fragile experiment, but one to which “the wise and honest can repair.”

So, as always, our biggest threat is from the unwise and dishonest. The first step is regaining our rule of law outline in the Constitution/Bill of Rights, and keeping SCOTUS to that task by electing conservatives. This upcoming election should send the message of a mandate that most voters think the country is on the wrong ship with the wrong captain and navigator, and sailing to the wrong new world.

Conservatives are calling for all incumbent school board members to be voted out and are challenging all RINOs and Leftists. The SOTU is poor and rapidly growing worse. The party in power is being held responsible for that fact. People are actually hurting from what they have done. They will lose in 2022, their agenda will be stymied and they will lose in 2024.

We, the nation that is the USA, cannot go back to a time that removes all that has happened to force our foci to consider life differently. We can alter the forces that were used to divide us, while acknowledging the differences. We can calm the madness that demanded a zero sum outcome.

Which era of the US should we seek to return to in order to “save” the idea/concept of America? There is none. We have “only” the Republic under the Constitution to work with and cannot alter what we have become or turn back the hands of time. We have to start from now and work to hold onto that standard raised by our Founders.

Perhaps I have an undue amount of hope. Perhaps some have an undue amount of despair. Perhaps we can comfort each other.

If my friends here do nothing else, please, at least consider stocking up on extra supplies, which you might need in the months (or year) to come. Is that hope? Yes, preparedness removes fear, and in that is hope.


It hardly matters who wrote this. It is a great synopsis of the current SOTU. Thanks for posting it.


These are the questions I wrote today under the heading of “the Question” - to which Jeanne has supplied her interesting answer here (before I wrote them).

The election process as ordained by the Constitution has been corrupted by the Democratic Party.

The First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, Fourteenth, and Twenty-Fifth Amendments have all been challenged or even in some cases defied by the Democrats in power in the legislative and executive branches of government. Laws protecting the officers of the judicial branch - the justices of the supreme court - are being ignored. So how is the Constitution “keeping America”?

Equality under the law has been blatantly and unapologetically abandoned. That is what the Constitution was designed to protect. So I ask again, how is the Constitution “keeping America”?

And how are “the people” keeping the Constitution?


I haven’t followed the conversation closely since I posted this yesterday (though somewhat). But they’re playing a hybrid warfare game against us, including but not limited to information and psychological warfare (lawfare is also a major element). The hybrid warfare may combine elements of a chessboard where various pieces or aspects of the hybrid war are arrayed against us. But it also contains elements of a poker game, where we can’t really be sure of the kinds of cards the adversary is holding. To some extent, they want us to believe that the pieces on the board (which should be visible) correspond to the cards that they hold, which we can’t be sure of. So, their strategy is to play much more audaciously than their real position might rationally justify, and count for their advantage on our confusion and lack of nerve.


The Constitution, the document, the law, the idea of the great experiment in written form, the original document is the “standard” raised by our Founders to which we can return, those who are “wise and honest”, at least, and desiring of keeping our Republic.

Leaving it was bound to happen, “peoples is peoples” after all. The “leaving” started nearly as soon as it was signed. Obviously, leaving it has escalated in recent decades, so one might barely recognize its current manifestation. But, there is the original, and there are Originalists, and there are run-of-mill people who are waking up to the notion that something is very wrong with our country under the Obama/Biden administration.

It is just a piece of paper. It is just an idea for an experiment in self-governance rather than a king or a dictator, and an idea of natural rights, rather than rights granted by the king or dictator. And like all ideas written on paper, they are only as good as the actions of the people who wrote them, those who believed in the idea and those who struggle to fulfill the idea…to live the idea.

There is nothing like a time when a noble idea, such as this, is lost to those who thought it would be ever their life…nothing like the time when it is being lost, to make them decide to take it back and keep it better.

That’s is all we can do; decide to take it back and keep it better.

“Don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you’ve got
till it’s gone”

Our future is coming, our children’s future, our grand-children’s future. Why concentrate on what has happened to bring us to the present? We know what it is. We know who is to blame… over centuries we know who is to blame. All of us, but especially we, who live in the last decades of the 20th century and now in the 21st century. Apathy and willful ignorance. The kids are picked up for school, the garbage is collected, the toilets flush and the stores are always fully stocked with stuff that other people made cheaper, grew quicker; producing miracles when needed, and life was easy and good if you played it well. What could go wrong? How could anything alter that good life? It will just go on and on and on…

When even MSNBC recognizes the disaster of Biden’s agenda, thanking Joe Manchin for voting against the BBB Bill and imagining the worse disaster the country would be in had that passed, you know something is shifting in the awareness of the country. The people of corporate media are hurting enough to wake up and smell the bullshit being shoveled by the fascists.

Whom do we trust now? We have to trust ourselves first. And…I guess we have to drag along those of us that are clueless about the SOTU.

So, as usual, Jillian, the people that are willing to think and act are the ones that are going to keep the Constitution. Fortunately, their numbers are growing.

I don’t know what my part is in the future. Helping to get Virgil elected so that he can use his experience and knowledge and integrity and common sense to help make local decisions in a county that has not been run well for the past 8 years, and to help in the difficult times to come as the budget is affected, and to help make local government more strong and important to offset federal and state rulings. Keeping my family protected and prepared, producing food and grains for the country, encouraging voting for conservative republicans, and hopefully not anything having to do with revolution or war or global disaster.

Keeping hope alive and keeping history alive and keeping America alive, maybe that is all I can do.

Sorry this is so long and winding. I guess I have more time on my hands lately. Or maybe I know deep within me that there are many more people who are thinking as I am, and I want to offer that hope to you.


Well put! Yes, I think that’s all we can do.


I’ve been trying to gather my thoughts on all these destructive policies, trying to make sense of it all, and trying to put together a post on it all. Modern Western democracy has failed, that much seems clear to me, and as I’ve argued before I continue to think that universal suffrage was the biggest single change that set us on this path of decline. Perhaps the powers that be have also come to the conclusion that the system has failed, that the national debt situation is out of control:

Why The National Debt Situation Is Much Worse Than It Looks

The behaviour of the powers that be today seems increasingly unhinged, but one theory is that in fact what we are witnessing is a controlled demolition of modern Western democracy, to be replaced by an authoritarian system of global governance. How else can we explain the fact that our governments everywhere are undermining their own nations, degrading and humiliating their own armed forces, recklessly further increasing national debt, and suppressing dissent with increasingly draconian legislation, all in lockstep?

I had for a long time thought that the agenda of open borders was really motivated by a desire to open up the world to free trade, but the Chinese in particular have not been pursuing this sort of policy and so it’s creating a lopsided world, not simply a borderless world. If Western nations continue to weaken themselves in this way while China remains closed, then it seems as if the powers that be in the West are paving the way for China to become the dominant nation in the world, which simply makes no sense to me at all.

Another alternative explanation is perhaps that the powers be, increasingly freed from public scrutiny due to their stranglehold over the media, have simply collectively gone mad, that groupthink is a major factor. I am not inclined to believe that the powers that be are genuinely concerned about the environment, or our health, or about LGBQWERTY rights etc however. They do have a secret agenda that much I feel certain about, whether that agenda will lead to the outcome they desire or not is quite another matter.


I think you’re right over the target - “what we are witnessing is a controlled demolition of modern Western democracy, to be replaced by an authoritarian system of global governance”.
The reason the “powers that be” - the globalist oligarchs - are “paving the way for China to become the dominant nation in the world” is because they are getting rich off of that, using China’s slave labor.
I heard someone explain it that the “plan” originally was for the Western oligarchs and China to be like business partners, with the West being the “senior partner”. But of course the CCP had other plans, and now they are poised for a “hostile takeover”.
Which is why you see oligarchs like Soros getting nervous about China.


Just received “The War on the West” Douglas Murray’s new book. Have only started a few pages. He has come to the same conclusion; that the West has been and is being dismantled by the PTB in the world. Only the West is evil, wrong, destructive, etc. All other nations and their systems are positive for humanity. Okay…

That’s their story and they are sticking to it. Enough people buy into that story and their goal is accomplished until it all bellys-up when the money is gone.


What is the PTB?


“Powers That Be” is my guess!


Thanks. (note to self: “Duh!” :relaxed:


Jeanne - Disregard my lapse of memory on the meaning of PTB. :relaxed: