The Envy of Suffering

The latest contribution of our estimable moderator in The New English Review. Jillian’s penetrating psychological insights into the darker recesses of human nature, are only matched by her erudition in matters historical, political, and theological. Also included is a brief but keen skewering of the contemptible Salmon Rushdie.


Thank you, Cogito, for posting the link to my article.

(I cannot imagine what the picture has to do with the subject.)

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Wow, fascinating! So much to think about…
One reason for Holocaust denial that has occurred to me is that the people who deny it are the same ones who hold to the theory that Jews secretly control the world. But if Jews were in control, the Holocaust wouldn’t have been allowed to happen - so it’s quite an inconvenience to their theory!
Muslims, who are the biggest Jew haters and perpetrators of atrocities against Jews, are also the biggest Holocaust deniers.

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AQll very true.

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Very good - and important - points. Thanks, Liz!

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